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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J. (Jiří) Kosinka, Prof


Differential Maximum Euclidean Distance Transform Computation in Component Trees

An Implicitly Stable Mixture Model for Dynamic Multi-fluid Simulations

A parametric geometry model of the aortic valve for subject-specific blood flow simulations using a resistive approach

Curvature-enhanced Neural Subdivision

Foreword to AniNex workshop 2022

Numerical quadrature for Gregory quads

PCCNet: A Few-Shot Patch-wise Contrastive Colorization Network

Spline-Based Dense Medial Descriptors for Image Simplification Using Saliency Maps

Subdivision Shading for Catmull-Clark and Loop Subdivision Surfaces with Semi-Sharp Creases

Towards G1-Continuous Multi-Strip Path-Planning for 5-Axis Flank CNC Machining of Free-Form Surfaces Using Conical Cutting Tools

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