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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.F. (Jan Freark) de Boer


Changes in bile acid composition are correlated with reduced intestinal cholesterol uptake in intestine-specific WASH-deficient mice

Emerging drugs for the treatment of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis: a focus on phase II and III trials

Maternal antibiotic prophylaxis during cesarean section has a limited impact on the infant gut microbiome

T cells with increased responsiveness cause obesity in mice without diet intervention

Absence of gut microbiota reduces neonatal survival and exacerbates liver disease in Cyp2c70-deficient mice with a human-like bile acid composition

Bile Acid Sequestration via Colesevelam Reduces Bile Acid Hydrophobicity and Improves Liver Pathology in Cyp2c70-/- Mice with a Human-like Bile Acid Composition

Characterization of a novel bile salt export pump deficiency mouse model with the p.E297g mutation

Combined GIP receptor and GLP1 receptor agonism attenuates NAFLD in male APOE∗3-Leiden.CETP mice

Combined glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonism attenuates atherosclerosis severity in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice

Gut microbiota depletion aggravates bile acid-induced liver pathology in mice with a human-like bile acid composition

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