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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.W.G.M. (Erik) Boddeke


Characterizing microglial gene expression in a model of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis

Microglia morphotyping in the adult mouse CNS using hierarchical clustering on principal components reveals regional heterogeneity but no sexual dimorphism

Negative modulation of mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex protects neurons against ferroptosis

Prevention of microgliosis halts early memory loss in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

Species-specific metabolic reprogramming in human and mouse microglia during inflammatory pathway induction

The Netherlands Neurogenetics Database (NND)

Distinct gene expression in demyelinated white and grey matter areas of patients with multiple sclerosis

Epigenetic regulation of innate immune memory in microglia

Microglia states and nomenclature: A field at its crossroads

Neurovascular dysfunction in GRN-associated frontotemporal dementia identified by single-nucleus RNA sequencing of human cerebral cortex

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Rector Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México visits Groningen