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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons G. (Goda) Perlaviciute, Prof


Understanding the human dimensions of a sustainable energy transition

The influence of values on evaluations of energy alternatives

An integrated framework for encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: The role of values, situational factors and goals

Contextual and psychological factors shaping evaluations and acceptability of energy alternatives: Integrated review and research agenda

The Significance of Hedonic Values for Environmentally Relevant Attitudes, Preferences, and Actions

From believing in climate change to adapting to climate change: The role of risk perception and efficacy beliefs

Public opinion about solar radiation management: A cross-cultural study in 20 countries around the world

An interdisciplinary understanding of energy citizenship: Integrating psychological, legal, and economic perspectives on a citizen-centred sustainable energy transition

Are we on the same page? Exploring the relationships between environmental values, self-identity, personal norms and behavior in parent-adolescent dyads

Contested climate policies and public participation: An equal-opportunities-and values-based approach (EVA)

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Ethicists will now have a lab as well

Scientific expert in the Dutch elections political debate on energy and climate

Draagvlak voor grote PV-projecten? Communicatie, transparantie en betrekken zijn essentieel

Engaging the public in climate policymaking

Protesten tegen windmolens: meer dan egoïstische bezwaren

Interview Human

'Benadruk wat er wél goed gaat'

Windmolens en waarden: hoe trekken we de hedonist over de streep

Draagvlak voor energietransitie in Groningen

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