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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons drs. F. (Feikje) Groenhof


Data Resource Profile: Registry of electronic health records of general practices in the north of The Netherlands (AHON)

Mortality in patients with Dupuytren’s disease in the first 5 years after diagnosis: a population-based survival analysis

Lessons Learned GRIP3 (WP1): Centrale en decentrale analyse met registratie data in Nederland

Women with unwanted pregnancies, their psychosocial problems, and contraceptive use in primary care in Northern Netherlands: insights from a primary care registry database

Het beleid bij urine-incontinentie bij vrouwen

Primary care diagnostic and treatment pathways in Dutch women with urinary incontinence

Afname in zorggebruik van zwangeren en pas bevallen vrouwen in de huisartsenpraktijk en de huisartsenpost aan het begin van de coronapandemie.: Factsheet 2: huisartsenzorg voor zwangeren en pas bevallen vrouwen.

Continuity of care and referral rate: challenges for the future of health care

Possible missed opportunities for diagnosing colorectal cancer in Dutch primary care: a multimethods approach

Application of the STOPP/START criteria to a medical record database

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