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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. F. (Floris) Foijer


Characterizing chromosomal instability-driven cancer evolution and cell fitness at a glance

Chromosomal instability in aneuploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia associates with disease progression

Drug-resilient cancer cell phenotype is acquired via polyploidization associated with early stress response coupled to HIF-2α transcriptional regulation

Extra centrosomes delay DNA damage-driven tumorigenesis

Tunable DNMT1 degradation reveals DNMT1/DNMT3B synergy in DNA methylation and genome organization

Weakened APC/C activity at mitotic exit drives cancer vulnerability to KIF18A inhibition

A kinesin-based approach for inducing chromosome-specific mis-segregation in human cells

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, FUS and Protein Synthesis Defects

Chromosomal instability and inflammation: a catch-22 for cancer cells

Chromosomal Instability-Driven Cancer Progression: Interplay with the Tumour Microenvironment and Therapeutic Strategies

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Prins Bernhard en BN'ers halen 300.000 op voor lymfeklierkanker

Prins Bernhard en BN'ers halen 300.000 op voor lymfeklierkanker

Protein Associated With Neurodegenerative Diseases Found To Be Linked to Childhood Brain Cancer

Drie UMCG-onderzoeken krijgen subsidie van KWF

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