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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ing. E. (Eduard) Post


Explaining the polarized macrophage pool during murine allergic lung inflammation

Design of a Gene Panel to Expose the Versatile Role of Hepatic Stellate Cells in Human Liver Fibrosis

Osteoprotegerin Is more than a Possible Serum Marker in Liver Fibrosis: A Study into Its Function in Human and Murine Liver

Phosphate Groups in the Lipid A Moiety Determine the Effects of LPS on Hepatic Stellate Cells: A Role for LPS-Dephosphorylating Activity in Liver Fibrosis

LSC-2019-Dysfunctional macrophage polarization in murine COPD exacerbation

The antifibrotic potential of a sustained release formulation of a PDGF beta-receptor targeted rho kinase inhibitor

Pharmacokinetics of a sustained release formulation of PDGFβ-receptor directed carrier proteins to target the fibrotic liver

Polymeric microspheres for the sustained release of a protein-based drug carrier targeting the PDGFβ-receptor in the fibrotic kidney

Therapeutic proteins in the treatment of liver fibrosis: The antifibrotic potential of a sustained release formulation for a PDGF beta-receptor targeted rho-kinase inhibitor

Towards clinical use of targeted therapies for liver fibrosis: development of a sustained release formulation for therapeutic proteins

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