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Healthy teeth: all aboard!: Prevention of dental caries through collaboration of well-child care and oral health care

Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the oral health behaviour of young children

Long-term effects of a community-based oral health intervention for young children in the Netherlands: A 5-year follow-up

Referral from well-child care clinics to dental clinics leads to earlier initiation of preventive dental visits: A quasi-experimental study

Validity of data collection methods for time spent, professional involvement and treatment volume for the purpose of cost-effectiveness studies in dentistry

Samenwerking mondzorg en jeugdgezondheidszorg; voor betere tandheelkundige preventie

Effectiveness of a short web-based film targeting parental oral health knowledge in a well-child care setting

Impact van corona-lockdown op het dagelijks mondgezondheidsgedrag van jonge kinderen

Socio-economic inequality in oral health in childhood to young adulthood, despite full dental coverage

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Jonger naar de tandarts, later minder gaatjes

Start mondzorg vanaf zes maanden kan veel gaatjes voorkomen

“Begin met poetsen bij het eerste tandje”

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