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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. C.J.I.M. (Kène) Henkens


A Life of Leisure? Investigating the Differential Impact of Retirement on Leisure Activity

Does Phased Retirement Increase Vitality in Older Workers?: Findings from a 3‑Year Follow‑Up Panel Study

Employers' perception of downsides to flexible staffing arrangements: exploring the role of strategic motives

Metabolic syndrome and poor self-rated health as risk factors for premature employment exit: a longitudinal study among 55 016 middle-aged and older workers from the Lifelines Cohort Study and Biobank

Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for premature employment exit: A longitudinal study among 60 427 middle-aged and older workers from the Lifelines Cohort Study and Biobank

Migrating to a new country in late life: A review of the literature on international retirement migration

Motivational drivers of temporal dynamics in post-retirement work

Retaining Retirement-Eligible Older Workers Through Training Participation: The Joint Implications of Individual Growth Need and Organizational Climates

Trust in pension funds, or the importance of being financially sound

Understanding motives for international migration: A survey of Dutch retirement migrants in forty destinations

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Kwart gepensioneerden toont interesse in baan

Verborgen arbeidspotentieel: kwart gepensioneerden wil weer aan de slag

Ouderen weer aan de slag om krapte tegen te gaan: kijk naar IJsland en Japan


Oudere werknemers



Oudere werknemers

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