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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. B.N. (Barbro) Melgert


Effects of lysine deacetylase inhibitor treatment on LPS responses of alveolar-like macrophages

Inhalable Textile Microplastic Fibers Impair Airway Epithelial Differentiation

Three dimensional fibrotic extracellular matrix directs microenvironment fiber remodeling by fibroblasts

Collagen type I alters the proteomic signature of macrophages in a collagen morphology-dependent manner

Collagen type XIV is proportionally lower in the lung tissue of patients with IPF

Handboek Sekse- en Gendersensitieve geneeskunde: COPD

Modelling Acid-Induced Lung Damage in Precision-Cut Lung Slices: An Ex Vivo Animal Model

Visceral adipose tissue: A relevant inflammatory compartment in obesity-related asthma?

3D Fibrotic Lung Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels Trigger Pro-Fibrotic Responses in Primary Lung Fibroblasts

4-Iodopyrimidine labeling reveals nuclear translocation and nuclease activity for both MIF and MIF2

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Letters: A dignified display of remembrance at a time of tumult and division

Letters: A dignified display of remembrance at a time of tumult and division

Microplastiques: la traque des effets sur la santé s'intensifie

'Time bomb'?: Race to identify health effects of microplastics

Effects of long-term exposure to microplastics unclear

Keuringsdienst van waarde

After animal testing: Fear about the effect of microplastics on humans

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