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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Quantum Interactions and Structural Dynamics Schlathölter Group COST WG1 meeting

Abstract submission

The abstract submission deadline for oral presentations (special reports) is February 27, 2023. For posters, the submission deadline is March 18, 2023.

Abstracts should be written in English. Templates for Microsoft Office Word are available on the registration webpage.

Abstracts must contain a title, the authors’ list and their affiliations. Among the authors, the corresponding author, attending WG1 meeting, should be underlined. The total abstract length should not exceed one A4 page, including figures and tables; the text length might be less than 2000 characters (spaces included). We encourage authors to include a figure (graphical abstract). The following figure formats are acceptable: jpeg, png, gif, eps, pdf. References in the text must be given by numbers in square brackets [1]. The list of references is placed at the end of the abstract text.

This is an abstract template for the WG1 TIMME-GAS meeting of the MD-GAS COST Action. Please email your abstract to amandasteber by 27 February. If you want your abstract to be considered for oral presentation as a special report, please add that information to your mail.

Last modified:14 February 2023 4.29 p.m.