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Research Young Academy Groningen What we do Cohort projects

Talent Development (2016)

2016 Early Career Research (ECR) lunches 

The first YAG cohort focused on establishing the YAG with its procedures and legislation. On top of that, this cohort established the Early Career Research lunches–  regular lunch meetings intended for the wider university community to share  knowledge and provide a platform for discussion. By now, the ECR lunches have  become a structural part of the YAG’s activities and are attended by +-40 people on  average.

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Cohort project "Talent Development" (2016)

The goal of these lunches is to form a basis to build up our peer network together and to improve the quality of science in the long term for all Early Career Researchers and the University of Groningen.

The ECR lunches became one of YAG strucutral activites to support and engage with the broader ECR communicty at UG.

Last modified:08 June 2023 2.14 p.m.