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Research Groningen Institute of Archaeology About the institute

Dr. W.(Wietske) Prummel


Professor Emeritus of Archaeozoology

E-mail: w.prummel  

Expertise and Research Interests

  • Archaeozoology of Northwestern Europe: animal husbandry, hunting, fowling, (shell)fishing and the wild fauna
  • Mesolithic aurochs and red deer hunting in the Tjonger valley (Fryslân, Netherlands)
  • Animals of the terpen in Groningen and Friesland
  • The distribution of wild animals in the Dutch Wadden Sea area through time
  • The use of domestic and wild animals in the Almirós and Soúrpi plains (Thessaly, Greece) since the Neolithic
  • The role of animals in rituals
  • Bones and antler as raw materials

Selection of publications

Prummel, W., H. Halici & A. Verbaas, 2011. The bone and antler tools from the Wijnaldum-Tjitsma terp. Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries 3-1 (November 2011) (open access journal)

Prummel, W. & M.J.L.Th. Niekus, 2011. Late Mesolithic hunting of a small female aurochs in the valley of the River Tjonger (the Netherlands) in the light of Mesolithic aurochs hunting in NW Europa. Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 1456-1467.

Prummel, W. & J.T. van Gent, 2010. Dieren van de middeleeuwse terp Anjum-Terpsterweg. In: J.A.W. Nicolay (ed.), Terpbewoning in oostelijk Friesland (Groninger Archaeological Studies 10), Barkhuis Publishing/Groningen University Library, Groningen, 249-268.

Prummel, W., 2008. Dieren op de wierde Englum. In: A. Nieuwhof (red.), De leege Wier van Englum. Archeologisch onderzoek in het Reitdiepgebied (Jaarverslagen van de Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek 91). Groningen, 116-159.

Prummel, W., 2007. Mens en dier in de pre- en protohistorie van Noord-Nederland. Jaarboek voor Ecologische Geschiedenis 2007, 55-71.

Prummel, W. & D. Heinrich, 2005. Archaeological evidence of former occurrence and changes in fishes, amphibians, birds, mammals and molluscs in the Wadden Sea area. Marine Research 59(1). Helgoland, 55-70.

Prummel, W., 2003. Animal husbandry and mollusc gathering in Hellenistic Halos (Thessaly). In: H.R. Reinders & W. Prummel (eds), Housing in Hellenistic Halos, a Hellenistic town in Thessaly, Greece. Lisse/Abingdon/Exton (PA)/Tokyo, Balkema Publishers, 175-223.

Prummel, W., M.J.L.Th. Niekus, A.L. van Gijn & R.T.J. Cappers, 2002. A Late Mesolithic Kill Site of Aurochs at Jardinga, the Netherlands. Antiquity 76, 413-424.

Knol, E., W. Prummel, H.T. Uytterschaut, M.L.P. Hoogland, W.A. Casparie, G.J. de Langen, E. Kramer & J. Schelvis, 1995/96. The early medieval cemetery of Oosterbeintum (Friesland). Palaeohistoria 37/38, 245-416.

Prummel, W., 1992. Early medieval dog burials among the Germanic tribes. Helinium 32, 132-194.

Last modified:06 June 2019 2.06 p.m.