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Research Groningen Institute of Archaeology About the institute

Dr Johan A.W. Nicolay


Researcher Roman and medieval period

e-mail: j.a.w.nicolay


Expertise and Research Interests

During my study archaeology at the University of Groningen I wrote a thesis about early medieval gold finds from the so-called terp region and their significance in the light of power formation (Nicolay, 2003). In the following years I did a PhD-research at the Free University of Amsterdam, studying finds of Roman military equipment and horse gear from non-military contexts in the eastern Rhine delta (Nicolay, 2007). After returning to Groningen I continued my research into early kingship and medieval power formation. As a VENI-project, financed by the NWO, the following years gold and silver valuables as well as weaponry and glass finds from an extensive area around the North Sea will be studied and compared (5th-7th century AD). Further, I will be dealing with yearly field work in the province of Friesland, focusing on settlement development during the Roman and medieval period.


Selected Publications

Nicolay, J.A.W., 2007. Armed Batavians. Use and significance of weaponry and horse gear from non-military contexts in the Rhine delta 50 BC to AD 450 (= Amsterdam Archaeological Studies).


Nicolay, J.A.W., 2006. Een koninklijk machtscentrum in vroegmiddeleeuws Friesland? De interpretatie van goudvondsten uit de late zesde en eerste helft van de zevende eeuw na Chr. De Vrije Fries 86.


Nicolay, J.A.W., 2005. Nieuwe bewoners van het terpengebied en hun rol bij de opkomst van Fries koningschap. De betekenis van gouden bracteaten en bracteaatachtige hangers uit Friesland (vijfde-zevende eeuw na Chr.). De Vrije Fries 85, 37-103.


Nicolay, J.A.W., 2003. Een politiek machtscentrum in noordelijk Westergo. Goudvondsten uit het Fries-Groningse terpengebied, 450-650. In: E. Kramer et al. (eds), Koningen van de Noordzee, 250-800. Groningen, 55-74.


Nicolay, J.A.W., 2003. The use and siginificance of military equipment and horse gear from non-military contexts in the Batavian area: continuity from the Late Iron Age into the Early Roman period. In: Th. Grünewald & S. Seibel (eds), Kontinuität und Diskontinuität. Germania inferior am Beginn und am Ende der römischen Herrschaft (= Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der germanischen Alterumskunde 35). Berlin/New York, 414-435.


Nicolay, J.A.W., 2002. Interpreting Roman military equipment and horse gear from non-military contexts. The role of veterans. Gesellschaft pro Vindonissa, Jahresbericht 2001, 53-66.

Last modified:23 July 2018 1.29 p.m.