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New book Melinda Mills: Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis

18 januari 2011

Melinda Mills has just published the new book Introducing Survival and Event History Analysis (Sage, 2011).

The book adopts an applied focus using the freely available statistical package R and covers up-to-date innovations in the field.


The Fundamentals Of Survival and Event History Analysis

An Introduction to R and Data Exploration via Descriptive Statistics and Graphics

Survival and Event History Data Structures

Nonparametric Methods: The Kaplan-Meier Estimator

The Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression Model

Parametric Models

Model Building and Diagnostics

Frailty and Recurrent Event Models

Discrete-time Models

Competing Risk and Multistate Models

Sequence Analysis

Appendix replicating examples in Stata

Detailed Glossary

Laatst gewijzigd:24 juni 2016 09:29

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