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Research The Centre of Landscape Studies For organisations

Commissioned research

Commissioning landscape research at the Centre of Landscape Studies.

Are you looking for commissioned research on the landscape of your region? Your research can be executed at the Center of Landscape Studies. Young researchers are given the opportunity to realize your project under the scientific supervision and quality assessment of Theo Spek.

Request your research

The Centre of Landscape Studies offers you reliable scientific research for policy, planning, design , management, information and education in the field of landscape, cultural history and heritage.

For a personal exploratory meeting, please contact Prof. Theo Spek (theo.spek

Expertise and products

Our expertise lies in the field of cultural history and landscape. We are specialized in inventories, landscape biographies, valuations, design and management advice, development of databases, courses and workshops.

In this list are products that we can supply:

  • Cultural-historical and landscape inventories of sites, micro-regions, regions or planning areas, elaborated in a digital cultural atlas (GIS) and an associated report;
  • Landscape biographies: the production of an accessible written and richly illustrated overview of the structure, history of origin and cultural-historical values of sites, micro-regions, regions or planning areas; supplemented by a digital cultural atlas (GIS);
  • Cultural-historic values of landscapes and the heritage present therein;
  • Advice for the developing and management of landscapes and its heritage;
  • The development of databases and websites in the field of cultural history and landscape, whether or not linked to digital GIS-oriented inventories;
  • Presentations, courses or workshops in the field of landscape and heritage.

Because of the scientific independence of the Centre of Landscape Studies, requests for commissions in the field of policy making and policy advice will be treated with restraint. The Centre of Landscape Studies is, however, prepared to contribute existing or newly acquired scientific knowledge in planning procedures and share it with others

Completed projects

Examples of recently conducted research projects are:

  1. Cultuurhistorische atlas van de Vecht (Overijssel)
  2. Landschapsbiografie Ballooërveld (Drenthe)
  3. Landschapsgeschiedenis Huis Ter Hansouwe (Drenthe)
  4. Landschapsbiografie Leenderbos (Noord-Brabant)
  5. Cultuurhistorische Inventarisatie bovenloop Koningsdiep (Friesland)
  6. Cultuurhistorische Inventarisatie middenloop Koningsdiep (Friesland)
  7. Website Noord-Nederlandse cultuurlandschappen
  8. Digitale dorpsatlas Drentsche Aa i.s.m. de BOKD
  9. De tuinen van Gerrit Vlaskamp (Groningen)
  10. Biografie Landgoed Oostbroek (Utrecht)
  11. Cultuurhistorie en ecologie in Nederland en Vlaanderen
  12. Digitale cultuurhistorische atlas Nationaal park Hoge Veluwe (Gelderland)
  13. Toolboek Rondje Rand,Instrumenten en inspiratie voor waardering en aanpak van stads- en dorpsranden i.s.m. Sandra van Assen Stedenbouw
  14. Cultuurhistorische inventarisatie t.b.v. Cultuurhistorische Waardenkaart Overijssel
  15. Website Leestekens in het Landschap i.s.m. Landschapsbeheer Nederland
  16. Landschapsbiografie Drentsche Aa
  17. Landschapsbiografie Terheyl
  18. Vooronderzoek naar jonge heideontginningen en ruilverkavelingen in Drenthe (1880 – 1980)
  19. Terpen- en wierdenland, een verhaal in ontwikkeling’ i.s.m. Landschapsbeheer Groningen en Friesland, het Terpencentrum (RUG) en museum Wierdenland

Example: Landscape biography Drentsche Aa

Writing landscape biographies is a cornerstone of the Centre of Landscape Studies. By combining different disciplines, a holistic landscape analysis is created. This combination provides a sharper insight into the interaction between people, nature and landscape.

Bird view over the Drentsche Aa.
Bird view over the Drentsche Aa.

Transformation into esdorp landscape

In 2015 the book "Landschapsbiografie Drentsche Aa" was published. It describes how the river valley of the Drentsche Aa has been transformed over time into the beautiful Esdorpen landscape of today.

Collaboration with different disciplines

We have edited this biography together with a group of authors from different disciplines. It is unusual for the findings of earth sciences, archaeology, historical geography, building history and ecology to be combined in one survey work. This is what makes our landscape biographies so important and special.

Appealing maps and reconstructions

Scientific knowledge has been translated into beautiful maps, reconstructions, photos and images that bring the past to life. As a result, we offer an accessible, richly illustrated picture and reading book for everyone who loves the Drentsche Aa.

The book is available at Van Gorcum and of course at your specialized bookstore.

Do you have questions or need more information?

Would you like to know more about the research or do you have any questions? For further information, please contact Theo Spek.

Prof. Theo Spek 050 363 8951 / 06 20136689

Last modified:28 July 2022 08.47 a.m.
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