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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Research Centre for the Study of Democratic Cultures and Politics Events & Colloquium

EPS seminar series - FEDERICO SALVATI (Free University Berlin): 'More than words: the contestation of social normality and the problem of regime types in international relations'

When:We 17-04-2024 16:00 - 17:00
Where:Room 1315.0048, Harmonie building

This event is part of the Seminar Series of the theme group European Politics and Society.


This study delves into the realm of international political discourse by investigating the nuances of normative concepts as articulated in speeches delivered at the United Nations (UN). Utilizing natural language processing techniques on a large corpus of UN speeches, this research aims to discern and compare the usage of normative language between democratic and autocratic regimes. By analyzing key thematic elements, rhetorical strategies, and linguistic patterns, we seek to unveil the divergences in how democratic and autocratic leaders frame normative concepts such as Democracy, Sovereignty, and Law. Through this exploration, we endeavor to shed light on the underlying ideologies and agendas shaping contemporary international political discourse, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of the dynamics between different political systems on the global stage.