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Aletta Jacobs Prize presented to Petra Stienen

07 March 2016
Janka Stoker, Elmer Sterken and Petra Stienen.

The Aletta Jacobs Prize 2016 was presented to Petra Stienen during a ceremony held on Monday 7 March. She was awarded the prize for her ability to transmit and strengthen the voices of women within and outside the Netherlands in her work. The Aletta Jacobs Prize was presented by Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken. Jury chair Prof. Janka Stoker said that Petra Stienen has the ability to create space for the different voices of men and women in both the Netherlands and the Arab world.

The University of Groningen awards the Aletta Jacobs Prize once every two years to a woman with an academic degree who has promoted emancipation nationally and/or internationally. The prize was established in 1990 by Prof. Erik Bleumink, a former president of the Board of the University. Previous winners of the prize include Els Borst, Neelie Kroes, Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang Yu and Hedy d’Ancona.

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Petra Stienen with a photo of Aletta Jacobs, the first female student of a Dutch university (1871).
Petra Stienen with a photo of Aletta Jacobs, the first female student of a Dutch university (1871).
Last modified:14 April 2020 09.49 a.m.
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