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Roest, prof. dr. Diederik

Diederik Roest (foto: Milette Raats)
Diederik Roest (foto: Milette Raats)

Dr. Diederik Roest (1977) is adjunct-hoogleraar Snaarkosmologie. Hij is geïnteresseerd in de wiskundige eigenschappen van de snaartheorie, maar trekt graag een lijn van abstracte theorie naar concreet experiment. Zo onderzoekt hij hoe aanwijzingen voor het bestaan van de snaartheorie aangetoond zouden kunnen worden door waarnemingen op de allergrootste afstandsschalen, zoals kosmische achtergrondstraling. Roest hoopt dat de nieuwe meetresultaten van de Planck-satelliet aanwijzingen zullen bevatten of de snaartheorie inderdaad een rol speelt in de natuur. Vanuit een passie om ook complexe wetenschap over te dragen wil Roest bijdragen aan het vertrouwen in de wetenschap.

In maart 2014 is Roest geïnstalleerd als lid van de Jonge Akademie , een platform van jonge topwetenschappers, met activiteiten op het gebied van interdisciplinariteit, wetenschapsbeleid en wetenschap en samenleving. De Jonge Akademie kiest jaarlijks tien talentvolle onderzoekers om haar gelederen te versterken. N aast bewezen wetenschappelijke kwaliteit beschikken leden over een brede belangstelling voor wetenschapsbeoefening en wetenschapscommunicatie.

Roest is een van de wetenschappers die het initiatief namen tot en meewerken aan de online cursus over wetenschap voor kinderen van groep 7 en 8 van de basisschool die de RUG heeft ontwikkeld.

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Flöss, T., Roest, D., & Westerdijk, T. (2024). Non-linear electrodynamics from massive gravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(2), Article 194.


Kluitenberg, M., Roest, D., & Seri, M. (2023). Chaotic light scattering around extremal black holes. Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana , 16, 381–396.
The LISA Cosmology Working Group, Auclair, P., Bacon, D., Baker, T., Barreiro, T., Bartolo, N., Belgacem, E., Bellomo, N., Dayal, P., Dimastrogiovanni, E., Mazumdar, A., Meerburg, P. D., Orlando, G., & Roest, D. (2023). Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. Living reviews in relativity, 26, Article 5.


Auclair, P., Bacon, D., Baker, T., Barreiro, T., Bartolo, N., Belgacem, E., Bellomo, N., Ben-Dayan, I., Bertacca, D., Besancon, M., Blanco-Pillado, J. J., Blas, D., Boileau, G., Calcagni, G., Caldwell, R., Caprini, C., Carbone, C., Chang, C.-F., Chen, H.-Y., ... Zhdanov, V. I. (2022). Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna.
Bonifacio, J., Hinterbichler, K., Joyce, A., & Roest, D. (2022). Exceptional scalar theories in de Sitter space. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(4), Article 128.
de Neeling, D., Roest, D., & Veldmeijer, S. (2022). Flavour-kinematics duality for Goldstone modes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(10), Article 66.


Roest, D. (2021). The special Galileon as Goldstone of diffeomorphisms. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(1), Article 96.


Gomis, J., Kleinschmidt, A., Roest, D., & Salgado-Rebolledo, P. (2020). A free Lie algebra approach to curvature corrections to flat space-time. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(9), Article 68.
Christodoulidis, P., Roest, D., & Sfakianakis, E. (2020). Attractors, bifurcations and curvature in multi-field inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(8), Article 006.
Christodoulidis, P., Roest, D., & Rosati, R. (2020). Many-field inflation: universality or prior dependence? Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2020(4), Article 021.
Barausse, E., Berti, E., Hertog, T., Hughes, S. A., Jetzer, P., Pani, P., Sotiriou, T. P., Tamanini, N., Witek, H., Yagi, K., Yunes, N., Abdelsalhin, T., Achucarro, A., van Aelst, K., Afshordi, N., Akcay, S., Annulli, L., Arun, K. G., Ayuso, I., ... Zumalacarregui, M. (2020). Prospects for fundamental physics with LISA. General Relativity and Gravitation, 52(8), Article 81.
Melville, S., Roest, D., & Stefanyszyn, D. (2020). UV constraints on massive spinning particles: Lessons from the gravitino. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(2), Article 185.


Roest, D., Stefanyszyn, D., & Werkman, P. (2019). An algebraic classification of exceptional EFTs. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(8), Article 81.
Roest, D., Stefanyszyn, D., & Werkman, P. (2019). An algebraic classification of exceptional EFTs. Part II. Supersymmetry. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(11), Article 077.
Christodoulidis, P., Roest, D., & Sfakianakis, E. I. (2019). Angular inflation in multi-field alpha-attractors. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019(11), Article 002.
Christodoulidis, P., Roest, D., & Sfakianakis, E. I. (2019). Scaling attractors in multi-field inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019(12), Article 059.


CORE Collaboration, Finelli, F., Bucher, M., Achucarro, A., Ballardini, M., Bartolo, N., Baumann, D., Clesse, S., Errard, J., Handley, W., Hindmarsh, M., Kiiveri, K., Kunz, M., Lasenby, A., Liguori, M., Paoletti, D., Ringeval, C., Valiviita, J., van Tent, B., ... van de Weygaert, R. (2018). Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (4), Article 016.
Kallosh, R., Linde, A., Roest, D., Westphal, A., & Yamada, Y. (2018). Fibre inflation and alpha-attractors. Journal of High Energy Physics, (2), Article 117.
Roest, D., Werkman, P., & Yamada, Y. (2018). Internal supersymmetry and small-field Goldstini. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(5), Article 190.
Klein, R., Malek, E., Roest, D., & Stefanyszyn, D. (2018). No-go theorem for a gauge vector as a spacetime Goldstone mode. Physical Review D, 98(6), Article 065001.
Klein, R., Roest, D., & Stefanyszyn, D. (2018). Symmetry breaking patterns for inflation. Journal of High Energy Physics, (6), Article 006.


Freedman, D. Z., Roest, D., & Van Proeyen, A. (2017). A geometric formulation of supersymmetry. Fortschritte der physik-Progress of physics, 65(1), Article 1600106.
Kallosh, R., Linde, A., Roest, D., & Yamada, Y. (2017). (D3)over-bar induced geometric inflation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(7), Article 057.
Crisostomi, M., Klein, R., & Roest, D. (2017). Higher derivative field theories: degeneracy conditions and classes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(6), Article 124.
Freedman, D. Z., Roest, D., & Van Proeyen, A. (2017). Off-shell Poincaré supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(2), Article 102.
Klein, R., Roest, D., & Stefanyszyn, D. (2017). Spontaneously broken spacetime symmetries and the role of inessential Goldstones. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(10), Article 051.
Chatzistavrakidis, A., Khoo, F. S., Roest, D., & Schupp, P. (2017). Tensor Galileons and gravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(3), Article 070.


Klein, R., & Roest, D. (2016). Exorcising the Ostrogradsky ghost in coupled systems. Journal of High Energy Physics, (7), Article 130.
Klein, R., Ozkan, M., & Roest, D. (2016). Galileons as the Scalar Analogue of General Relativity. Physical Review D, 93, Article 044053 .
Ferrara, S., & Roest, D. (2016). General sGoldstino inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (10), Article 038.
Roest, D., & Scalisi, M. (2016). Inflation: Observations and attractors. In R. Kallosh, & E. Orazi (Eds.), Theoretical Frontiers in Black Holes and Cosmology: Theoretical Perspective in High Energy Physics (pp. 221-249). (Springer Proceedings in Physics; Vol. 176). Springer.
Roest, D., Scalisi, M., & Werkman, P. (2016). Moduli backreaction on inflationary attractors. Physical Review D, 94(12), Article 123503.
Broy, B. J., Coone, D., & Roest, D. (2016). Plateau inflation from random non-minimal coupling. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (5), Article 036.
Kanosh, R., Linde, A., Roest, D., & Wrase, T. (2016). Sneutrino Inflation with alpha-attractors. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (11), Article 046.


Roest, D., & Scalisi, M. (2015). Cosmological attractors from alpha-scale supergravity. Physical Review D, 92(4), Article 043525.
Carrasco, J. J. M., Kallosh, R., Linde, A., & Roest, D. (2015). Hyperbolic geometry of cosmological attractors. Physical Review D, 92(4-15), Article 041301.
Linde, A., Roest, D., & Scalisi, M. (2015). Inflation and Dark Energy with a Single Superfield. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.
Burgess, C. P., & Roest, D. (2015). Inflation by Alignment. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.
Gobbetti, R., Pajer, E., & Roest, D. (2015). On the Three Primordial Numbers. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(9), Article 058.
Broy, B. J., Galante, M., Roest, D., & Westphal, A. (2015). Pole Inflation - Shift Symmetry and Universal Corrections. Journal of High Energy Physics.
Broy, B. J., Roest, D., & Westphal, A. (2015). Power Spectrum of Inflationary attractors. Physical Review D, 91(2-15), Article 023514.
Coone, D., Roest, D., & Vennin, V. (2015). The Hubble Flow of Plateau Inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 215, Article 010.
Galante, M., Kallosh, R., Linde, A., & Roest, D. (2015). Unity of Cosmological Inflation Attractors. Physical Review Letters, 114(14), Article 141302.
Ozkan, M., & Roest, D. (2015). Universality Classes of Scale Invariant Inflation.


Garcia-Bellido, J., Roest, D., Scalisi, M., & Zavala, I. (2014). Can CMB data constrain the inflationary field range? Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(9), Article 006.
Blaback, J., Roest, D., & Zavala, I. (2014). de Sitter vacua from nonperturbative flux compactifications. Physical Review D, 90(2), Article 024065.
Kallosh, R., Linde, A., & Roest, D. (2014). Large field inflation and double alpha-attractors. Journal of High Energy Physics, (8), Article 052.
Garcia-Bellido, J., & Roest, D. (2014). Large-N running of the spectral index of inflation. Physical Review D, 89(10), Article 103527.
Dibitetto, G., Guarino, A., & Roest, D. (2014). Lobotomy of flux compactifications. Journal of High Energy Physics, (5), Article 067.
Garcia-Bellido, J., Roest, D., Scalisi, M., & Zavala , I. (2014). Lyth bound of inflation with a tilt. Physical Review D, 90(12), Article 123539.
Kallosh, R., Linde, A., & Roest, D. (2014). The double attractor behavior of induced inflation. Journal of High Energy Physics, (9), Article 062.
Kallosh, R., Linde, A., & Roest, D. (2014). Universal Attractor for Inflation at Strong Coupling. Physical Review Letters, 112(1), 011303-1-011303-5.
Roest, D. (2014). Universality classes of inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (1), 007-0-007-10.


Borghese, A., Roest, D., & Zavala, I. (2013). A geometric constraint on supergravity inflation. In Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2012 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" September 8-27, 2012 Corfu, Greece (Corfu), (European Workshop on String Theory).
Borghese, A., Roest, D., & Zavala, I. (2013). Inflationary implications of supersymmetry breaking. In Proceedings, 9th Mexican School on Gravitation and Mathematical Physics: Cosmology for the XXI Century: Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy (DGFM-SMF) : Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, December 3-7, 2012 (Vol. 1548 ; Issue 1, pp. 126). AIP Conference proceedings.
Roest, D., Scalisi, M., & Zavala Carrasco, I. (2013). Kähler potentials for Planck inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2013(11), Article 007.
Kallosh, R., Linde, A., & Roest, D. (2013). Superconformal inflationary α-attractors. Journal of High Energy Physics, (11), 198-0-198-12.
Borghese, A., Dibitetto, G., Guarino, A., Roest, D., & Varela, O. (2013). The SU(3)-invariant sector of new maximal supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, (3), 082-0-082-41. Article 082.
Borghese, A., Guarino, A., & Roest, D. (2013). Triality, periodicity and stability of SO(8) gauged supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, (5), 107-0-107-14. Article 107.


Borghese, A., Roest, D., & Zavala, I. (2012). A geometric bound on F-term inflation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(9), Article 021.
Borghese, A., Guarino, A., & Roest, D. (2012). All G(2) invariant critical points of maximal supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(12), 108-0-108-9. Article 108.
Dibitetto, G., Fernandez-Melgarejo, J. J., Marques, D., & Roest, D. (2012). Duality orbits of non-geometric fluxes. Fortschritte der physik-Progress of physics, 60(11-12), 1123-1149.
Dibitetto, G., Guarino, A., & Roest, D. (2012). Exceptional flux compactifications. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(5), 056-0-056-44. Article 056.
Borghese, A., Linares, R., & Roest, D. (2012). Minimal stability in maximal supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, (7), Article 034.
Aprile, F., Borghese, A., Dector, A., Roest, D., & Russo, J. G. (2012). Superconductors for superstrings on AdS(5) x T-1,T-1. Journal of High Energy Physics, (8), Article 145.
Dibitetto, G., Guarino, A., & Roest, D. (2012). Vacua analysis in extended supersymmetry compactifications. Fortschritte der physik-Progress of physics, 60(9-10), 987-990.


Dibitetto, G., Guarino, A., & Roest, D. (2011). Charting the landscape of N=4 flux compactifications. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(3), 1-37. Article 137.
Aprile, F., Roest, D., & Russo, J. G. (2011). Holographic superconductors from gauged supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(6), 1-31. Article 040.
Dibitetto, G., Guarino, A., & Roest, D. (2011). How to halve maximal supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(6), 1-13. Article 030.
Borghese, A., & Roest, D. (2011). Metastable supersymmetry breaking in extended supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(5), 1-25. Article 102.


Roest, D., & Rosseel, J. (2010). De Sitter in extended supergravity. Physics Letters B, 685(2-3), 201-207.
Dibitetto, G., Linares, R., & Roest, D. (2010). Flux compactifications, gauge algebras and De Sitter. Physics Letters B, 688(1), 96-100.
Dibitetto, G., Linares, R., & Roest, D. (2010). Flux compactifications, gauge algebras and De Sitter. In A. Macias, & M. Maceda (Eds.), RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN GRAVITATION AND BEC'S PHENOMENOLOGY (pp. 232-238). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1318). AMER INST PHYSICS.


Roest, D. (2009). Gaugings at angles from orientifold reductions. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 26(13), Article 135009.
Roest, D., & Samtleben, H. (2009). Twin supergravities. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 26(15), Article 155001.


Kleinschmidt, A., & Roest, D. (2008). Extended symmetries in supergravity: the semi-simple case. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(7), 035-0-035-37.
Bergshoeff, E. A., Gomis, J., Nutma, T. A., & Roest, D. (2008). Kac-Moody spectrum of (half-) maximal supergravities. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(2), Article 069.
Bergshoeff, E. A., de Roo, M., Hohm, O., & Roest, D. (2008). Multiple membranes from gauged supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(8), Article 091.
Bergshoeff, E. A., Hohm, O., Roest, D., Samtleben, H., & Sezgin, E. (2008). The superconformal gaugings in three dimensions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008(9), Article 101.
Bergshoeff, E. A., Hohm, O., Roest, D., Samtleben, H., & Sezgin, E. (2008). The Superconformal Gaugings in Three Dimensions. In EPRINTS-BOOK-TITLE s.n..


Gran, U., Gutowski, J., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2007). Aspects of Spinorial Geometry. Modern Physics Letters A, 22(1), 1-16.
Gran, U., Gutowski, J., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2007). Classification of supersymmetric backgrounds of string theory. Fortschritte der Physik, 55(5), 736-741.
Bergshoeff, E. A., Hartong, J., Ortin, T., & Roest, D. (2007). Evidence for new seven-branes. Fortschritte der physik-Progress of physics, 55(5-7), 661-665.
Gran, U., Papadopoulos, G., Sloane, P., & Roest, D. (2007). Geometry of all supersymmetric type I backgrounds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(8), Article 74.
Cacciatori, S. L., Caldarelli, M. M., Klemm, D., Mansi, D. S., & Roest, D. (2007). Geometry of four-dimensional Killing spinors. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(7), 046-0-046-59.
Bergshoeff, E., Hartong, J., Ortín, T., & Roest, D. (2007). IIB seven-branes revisited. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 66(1), Article 012054.
Gran, U., Gutowski, J., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2007). IIB solutions with N>28 Killing spinors are maximally supersymmetric. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(12), 070-0-070-27.
Gran, U., Gutowski, J., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2007). N=31, D=11. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(2), 043-0-043-16.
Gran, U., Gutowski, J., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2007). N=31 is not IIB. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(2), 044-0-044-6.
Gomis, J., & Roest, D. (2007). Non-propagating degrees of freedom in supergravity and very extended G2. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(11), 038-0-038-13.
Bergshoeff, E. A., Hartong, J., Ortin, T., & Roest, D. (2007). Seven-branes and supersymmetry. Journal of High Energy Physics, (2), 003-0-003-29. Article 003.
Gran, U., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2007). Supersymmetric heterotic string backgrounds. Physics Letters B, 656(1), 119-126.


Gran, U., Gutowski, J., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2006). Maximally supersymmetric G-backgrounds of IIB supergravity. Nuclear Physics B, 753(1), 118-138.
Gran, U., Gutowski, J., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2006). Systematics of IIB spinorial geometry. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 23(5), 1617-1678.
Gran, U., Gutowski, J., Papadopoulos, G., & Roest, D. (2006). The spinorial method of classifying supersymmetric backgrounds. Fortschritte der Physik, 54(5), 399-406.


Bergshoeff, E., Collinucci, A., Gran, U., Roest, D., & Vandoren, S. (2005). Brane Solutions of Gravity‐Dilaton‐Axion Systems. In J. Lukierski, & D. Sorokin (Eds.), Fundamental Interactions and Twistor-Like Methods (pp. 223-242). (AIP Conference proceedings; Vol. 767, No. 1). AIP Conference proceedings.
Bergshoeff, EA., Collinucci, A., Roest, D., Russo, JG., & Townsend, PK. (2005). Classical resolution of singularities in dilaton cosmologies. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22(22), 4763-4781.
Bergshoeff, EA., Collinucci, A., Roest, D., Russo, JG., & Townsend, PK. (2005). Cosmological D-instantons and cyclic universes. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 22(13), 2635-2652.
Roest, D. (2005). M-theory and gauged supergravities. Fortschritte der physik-Progress of physics, 53(2), 119-230.
Bergshoeff, E., Collinucci, A., Gran, U., Roest, D., & Vandoren, S. (2005). Non-extremal instantons and wormholes in string theory. Fortschritte der physik-Progress of physics, 53(7-8), 990-996.
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