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Over ons Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen Onderwijs GMW Studiekeuze Studenten over hun studie

Marco Burelli

"When I found out I could study Psychology in English abroad, I decided to give everything up and start over again."

My name is Marco Burelli, I'm 29 years old and I'm originally from Udine, a small city in the north of Italy. I'm in the second year of the Bachelor's degree programme in Psychology. Before I started my Bachelor's I worked for a couple of years in Italy. After a while I realized I didn't want to do that job for the rest of my life. When I found out I could study Psychology in English abroad, I decided to give everything up and start over again.

Marco, bachelorstudent Psychology
Marco, bachelorstudent Psychology

My first impression of Groningen was very good. It is exactly the right size for a city and there are so many students. It's a very livable city, as we say in Italy, except for the weather, which is not all that great.

I really liked the University from the first day. I expected it to be well organized, because of the stereotypes about The Netherlands. But I was still really surprised by how clearly all the information is provided through the website. You always know what you have to do today, tomorrow, next week or even in six months. That's a huge difference with how things are organized at universities in Italy.

The students on my degree programme are very open and friendly, and particularly in the international track everyone is very willing to meet new people. Although there are many students in the Bachelor's in Psychology, you also have small classes. There were only 12 of us in my academic skills class last year and I made a lot of friends.

At first I thought I wanted to be a workplace psychologist, but now I don't know anymore because all the course units are so interesting. I might want to work for an NGO, but I'm not sure yet.

I'm extremely happy that I decided to come here. The quality of the University is so high that I am confident that whatever specialization I choose I'll be satisfied and that I'll find a job that makes me happy.


Laatst gewijzigd:10 mei 2017 15:38