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Over ons Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen Onderwijs GMW Studiekeuze Studenten over hun studie

Etrit Asllani

"More companies understand the value of psychology in organizations."

I chose the Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology track because it represents a wide spectrum of the field in psychology. I especially got the impression that the courses would cover a great variety of topics. If you would like to be a coach you can select courses such as Coaching and Motivation and competence. However, if you want to focus on organizations, you can select courses such as Power and leadership, Creativity and innovation in Organizations, Aging at work and career development or you can select elective courses from other disciplines to create your own personal master track.

Etrit, master student Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
Etrit, master student Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

More and more companies understand the value of psychology in organizations. I think the knowledge you gain in this track is very beneficial for organizations but also for your own personal development and growth. The track focuses on many aspects in the realm of IO Psychology. Moreover, you can get a coaching certificate if you fulfill the requirements. You have a great selection of topics for your master thesis, due to the fact that managers & companies see the importance in psychology including occupational health, job satisfaction, performance and innovation.

I have studied in Germany for a year. In comparison: You receive better and more personal academic education in Groningen. The University’s reputation is outstanding which is noticeable through current topics and themes covered during the program. Another reason is that in Groningen you achieve a the same Master degree in one year, that you would in two years in Germany. Therefore, you can spend your time more efficiently by, for example, doing an internship or following another master program. I am doing the latter, namely starting an additional Master at the Faculty of Economics and Businesses at the RUG.

What can I do after my study? Many people ask this question. Surveys in fact show that psychology students most often do not know what to do after the studies. As a psychologist, you can start nearly everywhere, even outside the realm of IO psychology. However, the master’s degree more specifically provides you with the knowledge for a position within HR, consultancy, coaching and also management. Do not think that you are restricted by the field you study. I am currently doing an internship at one of the biggest banks in the world, in the chief operating office and technology division. Just be confident in your skills and the knowledge you have gained. You are the expert of the human being. Everywhere the human being is involved, you can work as a psychologist.

A last word of advice: be your own study advisor. Many people you will meet during your studies will tell you that something is not possible or there is no opportunity because they have heard it somewhere. You really have to inform yourself. Contact the right persons and then you will find your way to get the best out of your studies. Also use the opportunities the University is offering like conferences with guest speakers, internship possibilities, events, for example, speed dating with master students and alumni. The University and the program offers much more than lectures and exams alone. I also recommend to strive for what you want. Nobody can predict the future and, therefore, if you would like to have a neuropsychological course, just add it to your electives. A couple of years ago, nobody would have thought to combine economics with neuropsychology. However, now neuro-economics or neuro-marketing is very common, as well as feel-good managers – yet another opportunity for a psychologist in a company.

Etrit Asslani, 24.

Laatst gewijzigd:25 juli 2017 15:27