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Decision-Making and Judgment in Child Welfare and Protection. Mónica López López, Erik J. Knorth... ed.

Theory, Research, and Practice
03 september 2020

Authors: Mónica López López, Erik J. Knorth, John D. Fluke, Rami Benbenishty, Donald J. Baumann

Publisher: Oxford University Press Inc
Pages: 360
year:  2020
ISBN: 9780190059538

Professionals in child welfare and protection are often required to make decisions-fraught with many difficulties and shortcomings-that have crucial implications for children and families. There are many indications that these decisions are frequently unreliable and involve unavoidable errors in judgement due to the uncertainties. Despite the central role of judgements in the field, child welfare and protection training and research programs pay limited attention to leveraging the human factors aspect of practice. Although extensive research exists in relevant areas-such as medicine, psychology, business administration, and economics-little has been done to help develop, transfer, and translate scientific knowledge to the child welfare arena. Decision-Making and Judgment in Child Welfare and Protection pulls together the best internationally sourced expertise and makes it accessibly available and applicable to scholars, educators, practitioners, students, and policymakers-the key stakeholders in child protective services and child welfare.

Laatst gewijzigd:21 maart 2024 14:34

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