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Summer School: Epistemology and Cognition

10 March 2014

From 25 to 29 August 2014, the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen will host two co-located summer schools with a common theme: Epistemology and Cognition. One of the summer schools will focus on contemporary philosophy and is co-organized with the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bristol. The other summer school will have a historical focus and is co-organized with the Department of Philosophy of the Radboud University Nijmegen.

The summer schools are intended for graduate students (master's and PhD), post-docs and early-career researchers in philosophy. The combination of systematic and historical focus makes these co-located summer schools particularly attractive for students and junior researchers who approach philosophical discussions in a global, non-fragmented way, and for whom contemporary debates and historical investigations can be fruitfully combined. Participants can follow exclusively one of the two tracks, or mix-and-match tutorials from both tracks according to their interests.

Dr Catarina Dutilh Novaes (coordinator)
Dr Catarina Dutilh Novaes (coordinator)

Each of the two summer schools will consist of tutorials by 5 lecturers, and a few slots for student presentations (in both cases, parallel sessions for the systematic and the historical tracks). In addition, we will have keynote speakers common to the two events.

> Coordinator: Dr Catarina Dutilh Novaes

> Application deadline: 1 July 2014

Keynote speakers
  • Jeanne Peijnenburg (University of Groningen): "Fading Foundations"
  • Rineke Verbrugge (University of Groningen): TBA
  • Andrew Pyle (University of Bristol): "Locke and the Ethics of Belief"
  • TBA

Groningen-Bristol Summer School on Epistemology and Cognition – contemporary perspectives

  • Finn Spicer (University of Bristol): TBA
  • Richard Pettigrew (University of Bristol): "Aiming at the truth: from the goal of accuracy to rationality constraints"
  • Catarina Dutilh Novaes (University of Groningen): "Dialogical conceptions of reasoning"
  • Jan-Willem Romeijn (University of Groningen): "Group rationality"
  • Fred Keijzer (University of Groningen): "Cognition, embodied cognition, biocognition"

Groningen-Nijmegen Summer School on Epistemology and Cognition – historical perspectives

  • Carla Rita Palmerino (Radboud University Nijmegen): "Impossible, possible and real: the role of thought experiments in early modern natural philosophy"
  • Paul Bakker (Radboud University Nijmegen): "The Soul's Cognitive Powers in Late-Medieval and Renaissance Psychology"
  • Hein van den Berg (Free University of Amsterdam and University of Groningen): "Instinct and animal cognition in Reimarus and Herder"
  • Andrea Sangiacomo (University of Groningen): "Mind and Body: between union and identity"
  • Sander de Boer and Han Thomas Adriaenssen (University of Groningen): "Medieval echoes in early-modern theories of cognition: empty slogans or hidden roots?"

Download flyer for Epistemology & Cognition summer school

Find all information on the University of Groningen's Summer School pages

This article was published by the Faculty of Philosophy.

Last modified:14 May 2021 4.16 p.m.

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