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About us FEB

Faculty of Economics and Business

The Faculty of Economics and Business empowers and connects students, academics and external stakeholders to have a joint positive impact on regional, national and global economic and business challenges in science and society. We aim to have both a scientific impact as well as one beyond science within business practice and society.


  • 24 September 2024

    Impact case: Leadership in turbulent times

    Professors Harry Garretsen and Janka Stoker reach large and diverse audiences with their expertise and research on leadership. In 2018, their first Dutch book ‘Goede leiders zweven niet’ (translates to English as: ‘Good leaders don’t levitate’) was...
  • 17 September 2024

    Shaping research on corporate governance and corporate environmental sustainability

    Concerns over climate change are more pressing than ever. More and more firms are taking actions to improve corporate environmental sustainability (CES), such as appointing governance actors with assigned roles and responsibilities to improve the...
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