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About us Campus Fryslân About Campus Fryslân

Mission & vision

The mission of Campus Fryslân is

Connecting global challenges and local solutions in excellent research and education with positive societal impact.

The vision of Campus Fryslân is 

To be a world-renowned faculty for inter- and transdisciplinary education and research across different disciplines at the interface of academia, industry, government and civil society.

The strategy of Campus Fryslân is

We teach students at all levels, from undergraduate to the most advanced graduate level. Our graduates lead innovations in an ever-changing world, combining a variety of scientific knowledge and skills.
We do research to expand inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge of human nature, society and the natural world, relevant on both local and global levels. We provide a unique environment in which leading scholars and promising students collaborate in five departments: 1. Governance, 2. Sustainable Entrepreneurship in a Circular Economy, 3. Language, Technology & Culture, 4. Knowledge Infrastructures, 5. Sustainable Health.
We engage with local and global partners in the public and private sectors to foster social change with our Living Lab projects and through community outreach.

In addition to UG values, the core values of Campus Fryslân are:
- Ambition
We strive for the best. We encourage making use of one’s talents and want to make diversity a success factor. We contribute to making the world, starting with Fryslân, a better place. With our teaching programmes and research flagships we reach out to the province and the world. We engage with external stakeholders. We stand for science with impact.
- Community with care
As a community of support and academic staff and students, we keep an eye out for each other. We care for each other’s traditions and beliefs and act with open minds, without prejudice. We strive for social inclusion and respect each other’s perspectives.
- Curiosity and inspiration
We encourage asking questions and adopting innovative approaches and methods. We are an organisation that is continuously learning. We stimulate crossovers between academic fields, university and society. 

Last modified:17 July 2023 11.38 a.m.
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