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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre Events GGDC Conference 2017

Program and Papers

A pdf of the final program is available here.
All submitted papers can be downloaded here.

Program and presentations

First Day, Wednesday, June 28:


Registration and coffee at Het Kasteel

Room Congreszaal

Chair: Marcel Timmer


Word of welcome by Herman de Jong


Opening by Dale Jorgenson


Keynote address Robert Feenstra


Coffee break


Parallel Session A

Session A1 - room 1.04

Inequality in history

Chair: Jutta Bolt

Branko Milanović
Graduate Center City U of New York

Towards an explanation of inequality in pre-modern societies: the role of colonies and high population density

Leticia Arroyo Abad
Middlebury College

The long arm of history?  The impact of colonial labor market institutions on colonial development in Peru

Francesco Venturini
University of Perugia

Wealth inequality in the long run: A Schumpeterian growth perspective

Session A2 - room 1.12

Development and GVCs

Chair: Petros Milionis

Eddy Szirmai

Structural change and the ability to sustain growth

Dirk Pilat

OECD work on productivity and Global value chains - an overview and cooperation with the GGDC

Daria Taglioni
The World Bank

From China with Love

Session A3 - room 1.08

Sources of growth and economic policy

Chair: Gaaitzen de Vries

Yvan Guillemette

The role of policies in shaping prospects for the world economy to 2060

Abdul Azeez Erumban
University of Groningen

Productivity growth in the world economy

Andre Hofman
University of Santiago

Sources of Growth in Latin America, 1990–2015


Lunch break


Parallel Session B

Session B1 - room 1.04

Pre-modern economic development

Chair: Ben Gales

Jan Luiten van Zanden
Utrecht University

Benchmarking the Middle Ages. Tuscany in 1427 in European Perspective.

Bas ter Weel
University of Amsterdam

Why did the Netherlands develop so early? The legacy of the Brethren of the Common Life

Debin Ma
London School of Economics

Wars and States: China’s Long March towards Unification 750BC – 1910 AD

Session B2 - room 1.12

Economic development

Chair: Mariko Klasing

Peter Lanjouw
VU Amsterdam

Strucural transformation in an Indian village

Janneke Pieters
Wageningen University

Globalization and Social Change: Gender-Specific Effects of Trade Liberalization in Indonesia

Richard Bluhm
Leibniz University Hanover

Top Lights -- Bright Spots and their Contribution to Economic Development

Session B3 - room 1.08

GVCs and policy

Chair: Tristan Kohl

Philipp Harms
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Offshoring and Sequential Production Chains:
A General Equilibrium Analysis

Gabriel Felbermayr
Ifo Institute LMU Munich

Trade Policy Analysis Using the WIOD Data

Norihiko Yamano

Applications of the OECD Inter-country Inter-industry database to analysis of Trade in Value-added, Jobs and the Environment


Coffee break

Room Congreszaal

Chair: Jutta Bolt


Keynote address Nathan Nunn


Dinner in 't Feithhuis

Second Day, Thursday June 29:


Arrival and coffee at Het Kasteel


Parallel Session C

Session C1 - room 1.04

Long-run economic development

Chair: Eddy Szirmai

Stephen Broadberry
Oxford University

Growing, Shrinking and Long Run Economic Performance: Historical Perspectives on Economic Development

Giovanni Federico
University of Pisa

World population 1800-1938

Riitta Hjerppe
University of Helsinki

Historical National Accounts changed the views of Finland's past development.

Session C2 - room 1.12

International comparisons of prices and real income

Chair: Robert Inklaar

Ingvild Almås
Stockholm University

Consistent international comparisons with heterogeneous tastes

Prasada Rao
The University of Queensland

Spatial Chaining Methods for International Comparisons of Prices and Real Expenditures

John Devereux
Queens College, CUNY

Prices and Quantities in Historical Income Comparisons

Session C3 - room 1.08

Trade and growth in (Eastern) Europe

Chair: Gaaitzen de Vries

Robert Stehrer
Vienna Institute for Int. Economic Studies

Value added trade and production integration in the Wider Europe

Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso and Lennart Kaplan
University of Göttingen

The Effects of the CEEC's Accession on Sectoral Trade: A Value Added Perspective

Ilya Voskoboynikov
Higher School of Economics Moscow

Labor productivity growth and structural change in the union republics of the USSR in 1966-1990


Coffee break

Room Congreszaal

Chair: Bart Los


Keynote address Beata Javorcik


Lunch break


Parallel Session D

Session D1 - room 1.04

Beyond GDP

Chair: Janneke Pieters

Leandro Prados de la Escosura
Universidad Carlos III

International Well-being Inequality in the Long Run

Daniel Gallardo Albarrán
University of Groningen

Health and Development during the 20th century

Mariko Klasing
University of Groningen

The International Epidemiological Transition and the Education Gender Gap

Session D2 - room 1.12

Intangible capital

Chair: Carolina Castaldi

Jonathan Haskel
Imperial College London

Productivity, Misallocation and the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Europe and the US

Cecilia Jona-Lasinio
LUISS University

Are there spillovers from public intangibles?

Tsutomu Miyagawa
Gakushuin University

Declining Rate of Return on Capital and the Role of Intangibles in Japan -An Empirical Study Using Japanese KLEMS (JIP) Database-

Session D3 - room 1.08

GVCs and services

Chair: Marcel Timmer

Sebastièn Miroudot

Services in global value chains and global value chains in services

Nanno Mulder

The stagnation of Latin America’s share in global goods exports: Is the lack of incorporated services to blame?

Michael Peneder
Austrian Institute of Economic Research

De-industrialisation and comparative advantage in the global value chain


Coffee break


Parallel Session E

Session E1 - room 1.04

Productivity and structural change

Chair: Robert Inklaar

Kyoji Fukao
Hitotsubashi University

The Role of Structural Transformation in Regional Productivity Growth and Convergence in Japan: 1874 - 2008

Osamu Saito
Hitotsubashi University

Economic growth and structural change in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Japan

Nicholas Oulton
London School of Economics

The mystery of TFP

Session E2 - room 1.12

Innovation and intellectual property

Chair: Bart Los

Alessandro Nuvolari
Sant'Anna School of Adv. Studies Pisa

The Quality of English Patents, 1700-1850: Some New Estimates Using Multiple Indicators

Carolina Castaldi
Eindhoven University of Technology

Innovation, Technological Variety and Income Inequality: Evidence from European regions

Room Congreszaal

Chair: Herman de Jong


Keynote address Nick Crafts


Transport to dinner location by bus

Bus departs from the front of the conference centre


Dinner and dinner speech by Bart van Ark


Transport back to Groningen

Third Day, Friday June 30:


Arrival and coffee at Het Kasteel


Parallel Session F

Session F1 - room 1.04

Trade and development

Chair: Robert Inklaar

Philip McCann
Sheffield University Management School

Promoting regional growth and innovation: relatedness, revealed comparative advantage and the product space

Petros Milionis
University of Groningen

Regional Prices Differences and Economic Development Gaps

Xianjia Ye
University of Groningen

Task Space: the Shift of Comparative Advantage in Globalized Production

Session F2 - room 1.12

Firms, productivity and GVCs

Chair: Gaaitzen de Vries

Peter Gal

The Best versus the Rest: the Global Productivity Slowdown, Divergence Across Firms and the Role of Public Policy

Oscar Lemmers
Statistics Netherlands

The role of different types of firms in GVCs

Martin Gornig
German Institute for Economic Research

High productive firms: where are they at home?

Session F3 - room 1.08

Selected topics

Chair: Bart Los

Leigh Gardner
London School of Economics

Gains from economic imperialism? Reconstructing quantitative estimates of Liberian economic performance

Nuno Palma
University of Groningen

Spending a Windfall: American Precious Metals and Euro-Asian Trade 1531-1810

Robert Hill
University of Graz

The Treatment of Owner Occupied Housing in the CPI and its Implications for Monetary Policy


Coffee break


Parallel Session G

Session G1 - room 1.04

Polarization of labor

Chair: Bart Los

Remco Oostendorp
VU Amsterdam

The evolution of skill premia around the world

Gaaitzen de Vries
University of Groningen

Global Supply Chains and the Demand for Non-Routine Jobs

Session G2 - room 1.12

Growth and development

Chair: Jutta Bolt

Kerstin Enflo
Lund University

Failed Towns? Urbanization and Agricultural surplus in Sweden 1570-1810

Harry Wu
Hitotsubashi University

How do China and India compare on growth and productivity performance in the post-reform Era?

Session G3 - room 1.08

Productivity and trade

Chair: Marcel Timmer

Emmanuel Dhyne
National Bank of Belgium

Local sourcing and production efficiency

Antoine Berthou
Banque de France

Productivity, (Mis)allocation and trade

Room Congreszaal

Chair: Robert Inklaar


Keynote address Eric Bartelsman


(Takeaway) Lunch, end of conference

Last modified:06 July 2017 1.53 p.m.