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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Income and Wealth conference activity

Date:10 September 2018
IARIW 2018 General Conference
IARIW 2018 General Conference

At the latest General Conference of the International Association of Research in Income and Wealth, GGDC researchers contributed substantially to the program:

  • Robert Inklaar chaired and (jointly) organised a plenary session on Measuring Capital and Wealth. His research on the European productivity slowdown was also presented.
  • Marcel Timmer's research on the role of intangible capital in global value chains in accounting for rising capital income was presented.
  • Daan Freeman's research on the role of natural resources for international productivity differences was presented and he presented a poster on the role of import competition in explaining the decline in the labour share in GDP. 
  • Stefan Pahl's research on participating in global value chains and whether this contributes to industrial upgrading was presented.
  • Aobo Jiang's research on the degree to which local areas in the Netherlands specialise in particular activities was presented.