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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Results for tag: KLEMS

8th World KLEMS Conference

Call for papers: 8th World KLEMS Conference in Tokyo

Date:08 July 2024

The 8th World KLEMS Conference will be held on March 27-28, 2025 in Tokyo. This is the second World KLEMS Conference in Tokyo, with the first one held in 2014. This conference is organized by Gakushuin University, Hitotsubashi University, and Research...

Figure 1

Structural Transformation in Transition Economies: New Data and New Insights

Date:09 January 2024

The new Economic Transformation Database of Transition Economies [ETD-TE] allows for analysis of the inter-industry structural change performance of the countries of the former Soviet Union for the first time. In the period 1990-2019 - the three decades...


EU KLEMS Updates

Date:21 March 2023

Last November 2022 the original EU KLEMS project website was taken offline. Since 2007 this website hosted the initial EU KLEMS project pages and all releases constructed between 2007 and 2018. The website has been archived in its entirety using the intern...

Bart van Ark appointed honorary professor

Date:14 December 2020

Following the appointment of Bart van Ark as director of the new Productivity Institute, he has been appointed as honorary professor at FEB to emphasise his continued engagement with the University of Groningen, see here for more details.


Productivity and value chains at World KLEMS conference

Date:14 June 2018

Marcel Timmer, Robert Inklaar and Jop Woltjer were amongst the presenters at the Fifth World KLEMS conference, organised by Dale Jorgenson and others at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government on June 4–5. Presentations included discussion of the...

GGDC and societal relevance

Date:18 January 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

We were very happy that a committee of esteemed colleagues recognized the usefulness of our research and database development efforts in the national Research Review of the faculty's research school, SOM. This helped contribute to the faculty's research...

Knowledge spillovers from organisation capital?

Date:11 January 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

The results of some recent studies suggests that organization capital – what firms knows about their assets and how they can best be used – could be a source of productivity spillovers. The recent paper by Wen Chen and Robert Inklaar, forthcoming in the...

Productivity and convergence paper accepted in JoE

Date:21 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

A paper by Robert Inklaar and Erwin Diewert on "Measuring industry productivity and cross-country convergence" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Econometrics, in a special issue on economic measurement. The paper finds that cross-country...

Peer-review of new FAO Agricultural Database

Date:12 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Reitze Gouma gave a presentation on the occasion of the launch of the FAO's new agricultural productivity database, indicating how incorporating measurement lessons from EU KLEMS would be beneficial.

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