PWT paper appears in AER
Date: | 05 October 2015 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
A paper co-authored by Robert Feenstra from UC Davis, Robert Inklaar and Marcel Timmer has appeared in the October issue of the American Economic Review. The paper details the new version of the widely-used Penn World Table, how this database can best be...
China-EU seminar on structural change
Date: | 05 October 2015 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
Gaaitzen de Vries participated in an expert seminar organised by the European Commission's DG EMPL and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) on structural change.
Value added in exports paper accepted in AER
Date: | 29 September 2015 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
The paper "Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports: Comment" (login required), written by Bart Los, Marcel Timmer and Gaaitzen de Vries will appear in the American Economic Review. They provide a much simpler and more intuitive method for...
Start of the post-WIOD VICI project of Marcel Timmer
Date: | 01 September 2015 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
The VICI project "Modelling Global Value Chains, a new framework to study trade, jobs and income inequality in an interdependent world" has started. This 5-year project involving a team of PhD students and post docs is led by Marcel Timmer and funded by...
New GGDC hires
Date: | 01 September 2015 |
Four new hires will strengthen the GGDC: PhD students Stefan Pahl and Aobo Jiang, and post docs Laurie Reijnders and Wen Chen.
Maddison database: update in progress
Date: | 03 August 2015 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
Jutta Bolt presented a joint paper with Herman de Jong, Robert Inklaar and Jan Luiten van Zanden in the session ‘The Maddison project: measuring economic performance across time and space’ at the XVIIth World Economic History Congress, Kyoto. The paper...
WIOD course at IIOA conference
Date: | 22 June 2015 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los taught a one-day course on the World Input-Output Database in the International School for Input-Output Analysis at the International Input-Output Conference in Mexico City.