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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Results for tag: WIOD

Long-run WIOD

Long-run WIOD published

Date:15 December 2021

As part of Marcel Timmer's VICI-project, a long-run time series of World Input-Output Tables for the period 1965-2000 has been constructed.

World Input-Output Database

WIOD migration and DataverseNL

Date:14 December 2021

The original website of the World Input-Output Database (WIOD), previously hosted at, has been migrated to the GGDC website. An archived version of the original website is still available, but will no longer be updated. All information and...


Global Value Chain report published

Date:16 November 2021

The Asian Development bank (ADB), Research institute for Global Value Chains at the university of international business and economics (RI GVC), the World trade organization (WTO), the institute of Developing economies – Japan external trade organization...

Supply Chains and the Global Trade Elasticity

Date:13 April 2021

Last week, the IMF Economic Review published a new paper by GGDC researchers Marcel Timmer, Bart Los and Gaaitzen de Vries, co-authored with wiiw's Robert Stehrer. The paper proposes a new way to account for changes in the global trade elasticity, the...

The importance of Spain and Italy for the Dutch economy

Date:10 August 2020

Bart Los and Xianjia Ye published an article in ESB, the major Dutch magazine on economic policy. They provide indicators for the economic importance of Italy and Spain for the Dutch and German economies. Using methods for bilateral dependencies in...

Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence

Seminar on regional value chains at ESCoE

Date:06 June 2019

On June 4, Bart Los gave a seminar at the London office of the Office for National Statistics. It was a seminar in the series organized by the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence, an initiative to which Marcel Timmer and Bart contributed. Bart's talk...

Global trend in vertical specialisation

Patterns of vertical specialisation

Date:05 June 2019

In a recently published paper in the Review of World Economics, Stefan Pahl and Marcel Timmer document a new set of stylized facts on vertical specialisation since 1970. They construct new data to estimate the domestic value-added content in exports (VAX-D...

The regional impact of Brexit

NY Times covers GGDC Brexit research

Date:12 February 2019

On February 7, the New York Times published an article on regional implications of Brexit. It featured a map on regional economic Brexit risks in Europe, taken from the Papers in Regional Science article from 2018, co-authored by GGDC-members Wen Chen and...

Share of UK inputs from abroad

Post-Brexit trade policy

Date:19 December 2018

Peter IJtsma, Bart Los and Marcel Timmer, joint with Peter Levell (IFS), published a paper in Fiscal Studies on the degree to which the UK participates in global value chains and what this implies for a post-Brexit trade policy. They argue that the UK will...

Functional specialization index in advanced countries

Functional specialization in trade

Date:30 November 2018

Marcel Timmer and Gaaitzen de Vries, together with the OECD's Sébastien Miroudot, have published a paper in the Journal of Economic Geography on functional specialization in trade. They propose a new measure that describes in what type of activities a...

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