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'Privacy in Research: Asking the Right Questions' in top 10 Best Practices in Promoting Academic Integrity

07 January 2022

Last December, the Council of Europe held an award ceremony in light of its new Best Practice Programme in Promoting Academic Integrity. This programme and the award help to raise awareness of academic integrity, spread knowledge on how to protect it in education, and increase the motivation to uphold academic integrity.

The Dilemma Game App of the Erasmus University Rotterdam won the prize of being the Best Practice in Promoting Academic Integrity. Besides the Dilemma Game App, nine other practices were awarded a commendation by the Council of Europe. One of these top 10 practices was our very own project Privacy in Research: Asking the Right Questions.

In 2019 a Comenius Senior Teaching Fellowship was awarded to Esther Hoorn (ABJZ) for the project Privacy in Research: Asking the Right Questions. Part of this project is an online course with the aim to help students become informed and responsible actors in the digital world, especially when they engage in research. Besides the course the project also includes a film, use cases and a role playing game where students can experience doing a multi-stakeholder assessment in a real research scenario.

Rector Magnificus Cisca Wijmenga: “We congratulate the Erasmus University Rotterdam and are proud of the special recognition for our project. The large representation of Dutch universities in the top 10 shows that we in the Netherlands have a strong tradition in making academic integrity a topic for discussion.”

Want to know more about Privacy in Research: Asking the Right Questions? Have a look at the website.

Last modified:13 February 2024 07.42 a.m.

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