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Customer Insights Center (RUGCIC)
Customer Insights Center (RUGCIC) Events


Connecting marketing experts
Connecting marketing experts
Seminars for all members and interested parties

Every year, the Customer Insights Center of the University of Groningen (RUGCIC) organizes various seminars in the central Netherlands for all members and interested parties. Do you also want to join us? Check out the page about our upcoming seminars.

In-house sessions for members

In our in-house sessions, knowledge is shared with other companies that face the same challenges on the basis of a current customer issue – often because they all serve the same or similar customer groups from an additional perspective. Want to participate? Go to the page about our in-house sessions.

Data analyst sessions

At our data analyst sessions we will work on a relevant topic specifically for data analysts. The focus is on creating impact for your organization with the results of your data. A selection of the topics; text mining, GAN's. These sessions take place online.

Workshops for Premium members

For Premium members of RUGCIC we organize workshops at their office, in which we discuss a current relevant theme and collaboratively translate it to well-fitting market opportunities. Is this something you are interested in? View the page about our workshops.

Advisory Board for Premium Members

Once a year we organize a special executive meeting: the meeting of the Advisory Board, where Premium members are invited to provide input for our knowledge agenda and contribute ideas about which research themes our scientific knowledge center should focus on in the coming period.

Do you also want to host a meeting?

Do you work at the marketing department of one of our corporate members and do you also want to organize a meeting? Often you only need a meeting room in your own office! The Customer Insights Center can provide a scientific lecture tailor-made for you. We will also take care of inviting a handful of other corporate members to join. Perhaps such a meeting in which scientific knowledge is efficiently bundled will help your company in making a leap forward. Furthermore, it is of course always useful to get to know others who are working on similar issues. Together we know more than alone!

Do you want to host the next meeting? Send an email to

Last modified:13 February 2024 1.19 p.m.
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