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Automated search

Automated search is a functionality that can automatically scan a number of selected online databases for publications that might belong to you. The task of keeping your publication list up to date can be time-consuming. By setting up an automated search this task can be made easier.

Automated search in Scopus and ORCID

If you have registered your ORCID iD in Pure, you will be able to import the publications on your ORCID page into Pure. Your ORCID iD will also be used by Pure during automated search in Scopus instead of variations on the name you use for publishing.

Duplicates after automated search

When you have found a record with automated search and are trying to import it, Pure will alert you if there are existing duplicates. You will be able to compare the information.

You can transfer any fields you wish to keep to the new record. After this, you can delete the old record. If you are a contributing author or have editing rights in Pure, you can delete the old record by clicking the red cross at the bottom right page of the window.

If you are not able to delete a record, please send an email to pure describing why the record should be deleted (e.g. "duplicate").

Last modified:25 January 2024 2.40 p.m.
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