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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Innovation

Aletta Fryslân

The complexity of vitality issues increasingly requires intensive cooperation between parties in the field of research, education, strategy and policy making, and implementation. GGD Fryslân, De Friesland health insurer, RuG Campus Fryslân and the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health want to work together with each other and with other (Frisian) partners in order to realise the shared ambitions with regard to public health in the Friesland region. The above mentioned parties therefore started a partnership in "Aletta Fryslân". Aletta Fryslân is a shared physical location from where professionals from the affiliated partners work on a (largely) common knowledge agenda.

Equal opportunities for a healthy life and good healthcare are not self-evident. Aletta Fryslân, in cooperation with its knowledge partners, is building initiatives that transcend the boundaries of Friesland in order to give Frisian citizens the opportunity to achieve health gains or prevent health losses, while striving for vitality and more healthy years for all the inhabitants of Friesland. And not only the formal healthcare is important, but also what people themselves and with their environment can do for more healthy years. Aletta Fryslân wants to give a better insight into this.

To fulfil this mission, Aletta Fryslân focuses on factors that influence the health and vitality of Frisian citizens. We work on the basis of a broad welfare vision in which attention is paid to the balance between what the individual can do and what the environment makes possible. In our interpretation of broad prosperity, we take into account the specific Frisian situation.

If we compare the mission with the current situation in the Frisian context, there is a considerable challenge for all parties involved. Prevention plays an important role in making the mission achievable. We strive for a vital region, with children who make a good start and benefit from it throughout their lives. With active adults who retire fit. And with older people who have many healthy years of life ahead of them and participate in society for as long as possible. We also strive for good, accessible and affordable healthcare for the Frisian citizens.

We exchange knowledge, experiences and initiatives. Through cooperation, we aim to have a greater impact on the effectiveness of public healthcare in Friesland in order to realise the greatest possible health potential.

Do you want to know more about Aletta Fryslân? Please contact

De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar
Campus Fryslân
GGD Fryslân
Last modified:02 March 2022 10.53 a.m.
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