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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Research CogniGron

What we do

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CogniGron (Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials Center) is a research initiative that was founded in 2018. Our fundamental research focusses on self-learning materials and systems for cognitive computing, inspired by the human brain. Our brain uses an ingenious neural network to process complex information, far more efficiently than any computer chip, which sends every bit of information from transistor to transistor, one step at a time. And, unlike computers, the mind is effectively combining processing and storage, all at once. By studying the how the mind works, our aim is to find a new blueprint for future-proof computing.

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The centre is embedded in the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) and is created to provide structure, coherence and visibility to a joint research program that comprises researchers from materials science, physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and artificial intelligence. The research programme aims to generate focus and critical mass to address the challenge of including new functional materials in the design of the new generation of cognitive computers, focussing on the fundamental research aspects. Tens of PhD students from different disciplines are working towards this goal.

Our mission

CogniGron wants to develop materials-centred systems paradigms for cognitive computing based on modelling and learning at all levels: from materials that can learn to devices, circuits and algorithms.

Technological and theoretical innovations are needed to advance the field of cognitive computing. Therefore, we are creating the conditions for researchers from materials science (physics and chemistry), computer science, artificial intelligence and mathematics to work closely together with a common mission: to develop materials-centred systems paradigms for cognitive computing based on modelling and learning at all levels: from materials that can learn to devices, circuits and algorithms.

The main goal of CogniGron is to create self-learning materials that will perform the tasks that are currently assigned to thousands of transistors and complex algorithms in a more efficient and straightforward manner, thereby forming the basis for a new generation of computer platforms for cognitive applications, such as pattern recognition and analysis of complex data. To the best of our knowledge, CogniGron is the first initiative of such a kind that unites expertise from the disciplines of physics, materials science, mathematics, computer science and artificial intelligence.

Our programme in cognitive systems and materials aims to discover and develop physical building blocks (i.e. materials) with intrinsic cognitive functionality via cross-linked networks at the nanoscale, allowing more efficient and denser circuits than those of state-of-the-art solutions. CogniGron will also investigate and design the optimal implementation of such new material structures at the system level.

Last modified:21 May 2024 4.11 p.m.