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Kalverboer, prof. dr. mr. Margrite

Margrite Kalverboer
Margrite Kalverboer

Als jurist én orthopedagoog probeert Kalverboer het begrip tussen de juridische en orthopedagogische wereld te vergroten. In haar onderzoek richt ze zich onder meer op de uitleg en toepassing van de bepalingen uit het Kinderrechtenverdrag vanuit pedagogisch perspectief, ten behoeve van de juridische procedures waarmee kinderen in Nederland en het buitenland te maken kunnen krijgen. Ze is onder meer projectleider van het onderzoek ‘Belang van het kind in het Vreemdelingenrecht en –beleid’. Volgens Kalverboer is er in de geruchtmakende zaak van de jeugdige asielzoeker Mauro te weinig gekeken naar de rechten van het kind. 'Asielzoekerskinderen die lang in onzekerheid verkeren ontwikkelen extra problemen,’ aldus Kalverboer.

In april 2016 is Kalverboer benoemd tot nieuwe Kinderombudsman.

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Riemersma, Y. G., Zijlstra, A. E., Kalverboer, M. E., Post, W. J., & Harder, A. T. (2024). A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home-Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth. Advance online publication.


Riemersma, Y., Harder, A., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., & Kalverboer, M. (2023). Static and dynamic factors underlying placement instability in residential youth care: A scoping review. Children and Youth Services Review, 155, Article 107298.
Zijlstra, E., Post, W., Hopman, M., de Jong, A., & Kalverboer, M. (2023). The Best Interests of The Child Self-Report (BIC-S): Psychometric Properties of the Adapted Version of the BIC-S used as a Monitoring Instrument to Measure the Quality of The Children’s Rearing Environment From a Children’s Rights Perspective. Child indicators research, 16, 1341-1361.


Zijlstra, E., Bonhage - Talsma, G., Post, W., & Kalverboer, M. (2022). Forced Return of Embedded Asylum-Seeking Families with Children to Armenia from a Children’s Rights Perspective: A Qualitative Study of Their Developmental Needs and Best Interests. International journal of childrens rights, 30(2), 575-601. Article 2.
Kalverboer, M. (2022). Kabinet, maak je belofte over asielkinderen waar. NRC Handelsblad.


Zijlstra, E., Rip, J., Post, W., Kalverboer, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2021). Foster care for unaccompanied refugee children in the Netherlands; what about the placement success?. 270-271. XVI International EUSARF Conference 2021: The Perspective of the Child, Zürich, Switzerland.
Rip, J., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. (2021). The stability of foster family placements of unaccompanied refugee children: A one-year prospective study. Manuscript submitted for publication.


Rip, J., Hasami, S., Post, W., Zijlstra, E., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. (2021). Perspectives of unaccompanied refugee children, their foster carers and guardians on placement success: Which factors predict multi-informant discrepancies? Children and Youth Services Review, 128, Article 106106.
Rip, J., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., Kalverboer, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2021). Proximité culturelle entre enfants réfugiés non accompagnés et leurs parents d’accueil aux Pays-Bas: Points de vue sur la réussite du placement. Revue Internationale de l'Éducation Familiale, 49(1), 81-120. Article 5.
Rip, J., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., Kalverboer, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2020). Cultural matching factors, child factors, and fostering factors associated with successful foster placement: An explorative study into the perspectives of unaccompanied refugee children, their foster carers and guardians. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, Article 105408.
Zijlstra, A. E., Menninga, M. C., van Os, E. C. C., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2020). They ask for protection: An exploratory study into experiences with violence among unaccompanied refugee children in Dutch reception facilities. Child Abuse and Neglect, 103, Article 104442.


Rip, J., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., Kalverboer, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2020). ‘It can never be as perfect as home’: An explorative study into the fostering experiences of unaccompanied refugee children, their foster carers and social workers. Children and Youth Services Review, 112, 1-10. Article 35.
Van Os, C., Zijlstra, E., Knorth, E. J., Post, W., & Kalverboer, M. (2019). Het belang van het gevluchte kind in kaart gebracht: bij- of hoofdzaak? De Psycholoog, 54(2), 10-21. Article 1.
Rip, J. A., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., Kalverboer, M. E., & Knorth, E. J. (2019). Unaccompanied refugee children, their carers and guardians: An exploratory study into different perspectives on successful foster placements. Paper presented at 10th International Foster Care Research Conference , Zürich, Switzerland.


Van Os, E. C. C., Zijlstra, A. E., Post, W. J., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2020). Finding keys: A systematic review of barriers and facilitators for refugee children's disclosure of their life stories. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 21(2), 242-260. Article 2.
Zevulun, D., Post, W. J., Zijlstra, A. E., Kalverboer, M. E., & Knorth, E. J. (2019). The Best Interests of the Child from different cultural perspectives: Factors influencing judgements of the quality of child-rearing environment and construct validity of the Best Interests of the Child-Questionnaire (BIC-Q) in Kosovo and Albania. Child indicators research, 12(1), 331-351. Article 18.
Zijlstra, A. E., Menninga, M. C., Rip, J. A., Van Os, E. C. C., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2019). "There is no mother to take care of you": Views of unaccompanied children on health care, their mental health and rearing environment. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 36(2), 118-136. Article 4.
Zijlstra, E., van Os, C., Beltman, D., Talsma, G., & Kalverboer, M. (2018). Assessment van het belang van het kind in migratieprocedures. Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk, 57(3/6), 74-81.
Rip, J. A., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., Kalverboer, M., & Knorth, E. (2018). A Study on Successful Foster Placements: Perspectives from Unaccompanied Refugee Children, their Carers and Guardians.
Van Os, E. C. C., Zijlstra, A. E., Knorth, E. J., Post, W. J., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2018). Recently arrived refugee children: The quality and outcomes of Best Interests of the Child assessments. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 59, 20-30. Article 3.
Zijlstra, E., Van Os, C., Menninga, M., Rip, J., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. (2018). Unaccompanied children in the Netherlands: Mental health, healthcare and child-rearing environment. Paper presented at All Children, All Families - Promoting Excellence in Child Welfare Research, Policy and Practice, Porto, Portugal.
Rip, J., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., Kalverboer, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2018). Unaccompanied refugee children, their carers and guardians: An exploratory study into different perspectives on successful foster placements. Abstract from All Children, All Families - Promoting Excellence in Child Welfare Research, Policy and Practice, Porto, Portugal.


Zevulun, D., Post, W. J., Zijlstra, A. E., Kalverboer, M. E., & Knorth, E. J. (2018). Migrant and asylum-seeker children returned to Kosovo and Albania: Predictive factors for social-emotional wellbeing after return. Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 44(11), 1774-1796. Article 2.
Harder, A. T., Knorth, E. J., Kalverboer, M. E., Tausendfreund, T., & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (2018). Parental perspectives: Risk and protective factors associated with parenting quality for parents of adolescents in secure residential care. Child and Family Social Work, 23(4), 549-557.
Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., Harder, A. T., Kalverboer, M. E., Post, W. J., & Knorth, E. J. (2018). Participation of youth in decision-making procedures during residential care: A narrative review. Child and Family Social Work, 23(1), 33-44. Article 5.
Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., Post, W. J., Arkesteijn, P. A., Kalverboer, M. E., Harder, A. T., & Knorth, E. J. (2018). Perceived living conditions of young people staying in secure residential care: Psychometric properties of the Best Interest of the Child − Self-report questionnaire (BIC-S). Child indicators research, 11(4), 1175-1192. Article 5.
Ten Brummelaar, M., Harder, A., Knorth, E., Post, W., & Kalverboer, M. (2017). Balanceren tussen grenzen en mogelijkheden: De participatie van jeugdigen in gesloten residentiële zorg. In J. D. van der Ploeg (Ed.), Jonge onderzoekers over de jeugdzorg: Enkele problemen uitgelicht (pp. 97-118). Article 6 SWP Uitgeverij.
Van Os, C., Zijlstra, E., Knorth, E. J., Post, W., & Kalverboer, M. (2017). Methodology for the assessment of the best interests of the child for recently arrived unaccompanied refugee minors. In M. Sedmak, B. Sauer, & B. Gornik (Eds.), Unaccompanied children in European migration and asylum practices: In whose best interests? (pp. 59-85). (Routledge research in asylum, migration and refugee law). Routledge, Taylor and Francis group.
Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., Harder, A. T., Kalverboer, M. E., Post, W. J., & Knorth, E. J. (2017). Residential child and youth care in the Netherlands: Current practices and future perspectives. In T. Islam, & L. Fulcher (Eds.), Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World. Volume 2: European Perspectives (first ed., pp. 339-355). Article 23 CYC-Net Press.
Zijlstra, E., Rip, J., Beltman, D., van Os, C., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. (2017). Unaccompanied minors in the Netherlands: Legislation, policy, and care. Social Work and Society, 15(2).
Zijlstra, E., Rip, J. A., Beltman, D., Van Os, C., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. (2017). Unaccompanied Minors in the Netherlands: Legislation, policy and care. Social work & society, 15(2), 1-20. Article 6.


Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., Knorth, E. J., Post, W. J., Harder, A. T., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2018). Space between the borders? Perceptions of professionals on the participation in decision-making of young people in coercive care. Qualitative Social Work, 17(5), 692–711. Article 5.
Kalverboer, M., Beltman, D., van Os, C., & Zijlstra, E. (2017). The best interests of the child in cases of migration: Assessing and determining the best interests of the child in migration procedures. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 25(1), 114-139.
Harder, A. T., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2017). The inside out? Views of young people, parents, and professionals regarding successful secure residential care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 34(5), 431-441.
Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., van Os, C., Zevulun, D., ten Brummelaar, M., & Beltman, D. (2017). Unaccompanied minors in the Netherlands and the care facility in which they flourish best. Child & Family Social Work, 22(2), 587-596.
Kalverboer, M. (2016). How to asssess and determine the best interests of the child from a perspective of child development and child-rearing. In The best interests of the child : A dialogue between theory and practice (pp. 59-69). Council of Europe Publishing.
Van Os, E. C. C., Kalverboer, M. E., Zijlstra, A. E., Post, W. J., & Knorth, E. J. (2016). Knowledge of the Unknown Child: A Systematic Review of the Elements of the Best Interests of the Child Assessment for Recently Arrived Refugee Children. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 19(3), 185-203. Article 1.
Beltman, D., Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., van Os, C., & Zevulun, D. (2016). Reflections of social behavioral diagnostic research on migrant children in judicial decision-making. 340. Abstract from EUSARF 2016, Oviedo, Spain.
Zevulun, D., Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., Post, W., & Knorth, E. J. (2016). Returned asylum-seeking children: How are children who stayed in European host countries faring after return to their country of origin?. 292-293. Abstract from EUSARF 2016, Oviedo, Spain.
Van Os, C., Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., Zevulun, D., Rip, J., Beltman, D., & Knorth, E. J. (2016). The Best Interests of the Child assessment in asylum procedures of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers: A case study. 296-297. Abstract from EUSARF 2016, Oviedo, Spain.
Beltman, D., Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., van Os, C., & Zevulun, D. (2016). The Legal Effect of Best-Interests-of-the-Child Reports in Judicial Migration Proceedings: A Qualitative Analysis of Five Cases. In T. Liefaard, & J. Sloth-Nielsen (Eds.), The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Taking Stock after 25 Years and Looking Ahead (pp. 655-680). Brill / Nijhoff.
Zevulun, D., Kalverboer, M. E., Zijlstra, A. E., Post, W. J., & Knorth, E. J. (2016). The rearing environment and well-being of returned asylum-seeking adolescents in Kosovo and Albania. EUSARF 2016, Oviedo, Spain.
Kalverboer, M., Rip, J., Zijlstra, E., & Post, W. (2016). Unaccompanied minors in the Netherlands: in which type of care facility do they flourish best and what do we know about unaccompanied minors in foster families?. 294. Abstract from EUSARF 2016, Oviedo, Spain.


Zijlstra, A. E., Kalverboer, M. E., Post, W. J., ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., & Knorth, E. J. (2015). De BIC-Q: een instrument om de kwaliteit van de opvoedingsomgeving van asielzoekerskinderen in kaart te brengen. Kind en Adolescent, 36(1), 23-37.
Harder, A., ten Brummelaar, M., Karst, R., Koudijs, A., Kalverboer, M., Post, W., & Knorth, E. (2015). Pas Op de Plaats: Een verkennend onderzoek naar de werkzaamheid van de module 'Pas Op de Plaats', Justitiële Jeugdinrichting Juvaid. University of Groningen, Department of Special Needs Education and Youth Care.
Zevulun, D., Kalverboer, M. E., Zijlstra, A. E., Post, W. J., & Knorth, E. J. (2015). Returned Migrant Children in Kosovo and Albania: Assessing the Quality of Child-Rearing From a Non-Western Perspective. Cross-Cultural Research, 49(5), 489-521. Article 3.


Harder, A. T., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2015). Risky or needy? Dynamic risk factors and delinquent behavior of adolescents in secure residential youth care. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(10), 1047-1065.
Beltman, D., & Kalverboer, M. (2014). Case note: ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2013:9771. Case note on: Rechtbank Amsterdam, 18/12/2013, 164, ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2013:9771 Jurisprudentie Vreemdelingenrecht, 2014-6(164).
Beltman, D., Zijlstra, E., Kalverboer, M., ten Brummelaar, M., Zevulun, D., & van Os, C. (2014). Decision-making concerning asylum and migrant children from a multidisciplinary perspective.. Abstract from EUSARF 2014 'Making a difference', Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kalverboer, M. (2014). De visie van het Kinderrechtencomité op hoe het belang van het kind onderzocht en vastgesteld moet worden: een uitwerking voor zaken betreffende kindermishandeling en verwaarlozing. Pedagogiek, 34(3), 222-236.
Harder, A. T., Huyghen, A.-M. N., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Kalverboer, M. E., Köngeter, S., Zeller, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2014). Education secured? The school performance of adolescents in secure residential youth care. Child & Youth Care Forum, 43(2), 251-268.
Kalverboer, M., Beltman, D., Zijlstra, E., Zevulun, D., & ten Brummelaar, M. (2014, May 6). Een ‘eerlijk kinderpardon’ of politieke belangen ten koste van de ‘belangen van kinderen’.
Kalverboer, M., & Beltman, D. (2014). General Comment nummer 14 in vreemdelingenprocedures. Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht, 36(7/8), 187-193.
Kalverboer, M. (2014). Het belang van het kind in het vreemdelingenrecht pedagogisch geduid en gewogen. SWP Uitgeverij.
Kalverboer, M. (2014). How to asses and determine the child's best interests from a perspective of child development and child rearing. In How to asses and determine the child's best interests from a perspective of child development and child rearing
Kalverboer, M. (2014). Independent Monitoring & Evaluation: Model & Results in Kosovo and Albania. In Expert Meeting Monitoring of Returned Children
Zevulun, D., Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., ten Brummelaar, M., Beltman, D., & van Os, C. (2014). Monitoring the living situation and well-being of the child after return to the country of origin through the BIC-Method. Abstract from EUSARF 2014 'Making a difference', Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., ten Brummelaar, M., Zevulun, D., Beltman, D., & van Os, C. (2014). Monitoring the living situation and well-being of the unaccommpanied asylum seeking child in the host country through the use of the BIC-Method. Abstract from EUSARF 2014 'Making a difference', Copenhagen, Denmark.
van Os, C., ten Brummelaar, M., Zijlstra, E., Kalverboer, M., Zevulun, D., & Beltman, D. (2014). (non)participation of asylum-seeking children in decision-making procedures. Abstract from EUSARF 2014 'Making a difference', Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kalverboer, M. (2014). Orthopedagogiek, vreemdelingenrecht en het belang van het kind. In Orthopedagogiek: state of the art (pp. 217-232). (O & A-Reeks). Garant Publishers.
Ten Brummelaar, M., Gerrits, G. M., Post, W., Harder, A., Kalverboer, M., Pultrum, T. A., & Knorth, E. J. (2014). Perceptions of participation: Views of male adolescents on the care process in a juvenile justice facility. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 15(1/2), 53-75.
Kalverboer, M. (2014). The best interest of the child in migration law: significance and implications in terms of child development and child rearing. SWP Uitgeverij.
Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., Kalverboer, M. E., Harder, A. T., Post, W. J., Zijlstra, A. E., & Knorth, E. J. (2014). The Best Interest of the Child Self-Report Questionnaire (BIC-S): Results of a Participatory Development Process. Child indicators research, 7(3), 569-588.
Zijlstra, E., Kalverboer, M., Post, W., ten Brummelaar, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2014). Tussen hoop en vrees: de opvoedingsomgeving van asielzoekerskinderen [Between fear and hope: the childrearing environment of asylum-seeking children]. Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk, 53(2), 3-17.
Boendermaker, L., Gerrits, G. M., Visser, A., Harder, A. T., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2014). Zorgaanbod voor 18- tot 23-jarigen in de justitiële jeugdinrichtingen. Stichting Kinderstudies.


Harder, A. T., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2013). A secure base? The adolescent-staff relationship in secure residential youth care. Child & Family Social Work, 18(3), 305-317.
Zevulun, D., Beltman, D., ten Brummelaar, M., Kalverboer, M., & Zijlstra, E. (2013). Best interest of the child determination in decision-making procedures regarding asylum and immigration. Poster session presented at International ‘Decision-Making in Child and Youth Care’ Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.
Zijlstra, A. E., Kalverboer, M. E., Post, W. J., Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., & Knorth, E. J. (2013). Could the BIC-Q be a decision-support tool to predict the development of asylum-seeking children? International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36(2), 129-135.
Ten Brummelaar, M., Kalverboer, M., Harder, A., Post, W., & Knorth, E. (2013). Why should they listen to us? Participation of children in decision-making in secure residential care. Poster session presented at International ‘Decision-Making in Child and Youth Care’ Conference, Groningen, Netherlands.


Knorth, E. J., Harder, A. T., Huyghen, A. M. N., Kalverboer, M. E., & Zandberg, T. (2012). Care workers and residential care. Web publication/site, CYC-Net.
Kalverboer, M., Boendermaker, L., & ten Brummelaar, M. (2012). Gesloten plaatsingen en het belang van het kind. In C. Forder, W. Duijst, & A. Wolthuis (Eds.), Kindvriendelijke opsluiting, gesloten plaatsingen van jeugdigen in het licht van mensenrechten (Vol. 53, pp. 251-263). Stichting NJCM-Boekerij.
Ten Brummelaar, M., Harder, A., Kalverboer, M., Post, W., & Knorth, E. (2012). Participation of young people in decisions regarding their life-course. Poster session presented at ISED Research Days 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Harder, A. T., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2012). Securing the Downside Up: Client and Care Factors Associated with Outcomes of Secure Residential Youth Care. Child & Youth Care Forum, 41(3), 259-276.
Kalverboer, M., Ten Brummelaar, M., Post, W., Zijlstra, E., Harder, A., & Knorth, E. (2012). The Best Interest of the Child-Questionnaire, reliability and validity: Preliminary data on the question where to live after detention or secure treatment?'. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 22(1), 41-52.
Zijlstra, A. E., Kalverboer, M. E., Post, W. J., Knorth, E. J., & Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C. (2012). The Quality of the Childrearing Environment of Refugee or Asylum-Seeking Children and the Best Interests of the Child: Reliability and Validity of the BIC-Q. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 30(6), 841-855.


Kalverboer, M. E. (2011, Jan 18). Belang van het Kind in het Vreemdelingenrecht.
Kalverboer, M. E. (2011). Belang van het Kind in het Vreemdelingenrecht. Performance, radio 5.
Kalverboer, M. E. (2011). Belang van het Kind in het Vreemdelingenrecht. Performance, radio 5.
Kalverboer, M. E. (2011). Bottentest is onbetrouwbaar. Dus moeten we het anders doen. Minister Leers houdt vast aan huidige test waarmee wordt bepaald of asielzoekers wel minderjarig zijn. Trouw, 4 - 5.
Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., ten Brummelaar, M., Huyghen, A.-M., Winter, H. B., & Knorth, E. (2011). Children first? The significance of child-oriented social welfare reports for legal decision-making in asylum procedures. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 14(1), 2-18.
Kalverboer, M. E., & Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C. (2011). Jongeren ontevreden over jeugdadvocaat. Advocatenblad, 17 - 17.
ten Brummelaar, M., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2011). Kinderen, kinderrechten en de strafrechtelijke procedure: Het belang van het kind in het Jeugdstraf(proces)recht. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Kalverboer, M. E., & Zijlstra, A. E. (2011). Ontwikkeling kind moet voorop staan bij asielbesluit. Ingezonden opiniestuk. Podium. Trouw, 22.
Harder, A. T., Kalverboer, M. E., & Knorth, E. J. (2011). They have left the building: A review of aftercare services for adolescents in residential child and youth care. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 14(3-4), 86-104.
Harder, A. T., Knorth, E. J., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2011). Transition secured? A follow-up study of adolescents who have left secure residential care. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(12), 2482-2488.
Kalverboer, M. E. (2011). TV Appearance. Performance, SBS6.
Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C., & Kalverboer, M. E. (2011). Waarom zouden ze naar ons luisteren?
Kalverboer, M. E., & Ten Brummelaar, M. D. C. (2011). Wat hebben kinderen nodig tijdens een strafproces? Persbericht op de site van Defence for Children.*kalverboer*/wat-hebben-kinderen-nodig-tijdens-een-strafproces%3f-


Knot-Dickscheit, J., Drost, J. Y., Kalverboer, M., Harder, A., Knorth, E., & Tausendfreund, T. (2010). Familienunterstützung im geschlossenen justiziellem Setting: Eine orientierende Forschung: Förderbedarf in der emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung:Suppo Prävention, Interdisziplinarität und Professionalisierung . In H. Ricking, & G. C. Schulze (Eds.), Förderbedarf in der emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung: Prävention, Interdisziplinarität und Professionalisierung [Supporting needs in the emotional and social development: Prevention, interdisciplinary care and professionalization] (pp. 136-149). Verlag Klinkhardt.
Knorth, E. J., Kalverboer, M. E., & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (2010). Inside Out. How interventions in child and family care work: An international source book. Garant Publishers.
Knorth, E. J., Kalverboer, M. E., & Knot-Dickscheit, J. (2010). Inside out! Introduction. In E. J. Knorth, M. E. Kalverboer, & J. Knot-Dichscheit (Eds.), Inside out. How interventions in child and family care work: An international source book (pp. 31 - 34). Garant Publishers.
Kalverboer, M. (2010). Pedagogiek en recht: Schijnbare tegenstelling? Ontmoetingen : Voordrachtenreeks van het Lutje Psychiatrisch-Juridisch Gezelschap, (16), 47-59.
Knorth, E. J., Harder, A., Huyghen, A. M. N., Kalverboer, M. E., & Zandberg, T. (2010). Residential youth care and treatment research: Care workers as key factor in outcomes? International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 13(1/2), 49-67.
Harder, A., Kalverboer, M., & Knorth, E. (2010). Securing the downside up? Client and care process factors associated with outcomes of secure residential care and treatment in the Netherlands. Paper presented at 31st International FICE conference, Celebrating the courage to care in a diverse world, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Kalverboer, M. E., Zijlstra, E., ten Brummelaar, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2010). The best interest of asylum-seeking children in legal decision-making procedures. In E. J. Knorth, M. E. Kalverboer, & J. Knot-Dickscheit (Eds.), Inside out. How interventions in child and family care work: An international source book (pp. 491-493). Garant Publishers.
Kalverboer, M. E., Zijlstra, E., ten Brummelaar, M., & Knorth, E. J. (2010). The best interest of asylum-seeking children in legal decision-making procedures. Elker Jeugd en Opvoedhulp.
Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., ten Brummelaar, M., & Knorth, E. (2010). The best interest of asylum-seeking children in legal decision-making procedures. Abstract from EUSARF 2010 'Inside Out', Groningen, Netherlands.
Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, E., ten Brummelaar, M., & Knorth, E. (2010). The best interest of asylum-seeking children in legal decision-making procedures.. Abstract from 31st International FICE conference, Celebrating the courage to care in a diverse world, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
ten Brummelaar, M., Kalverboer, M., Zijlstra, A. E., & Knorth, E. (2010). The best interest of the child within the juvenile justice system. Abstract from 31st International FICE conference, Celebrating the courage to care in a diverse world, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Harder, A., Knorth, E., & Kalverboer, M. (2010). The downside up? A process- and evaluation study on care and treatment in a secure treatment centre in the Netherlands. Paper presented at EUSARF 2010 'Inside Out', Groningen, Netherlands.
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