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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.J. (Matthijs) van Wolferen, LLM


Europees Recht

Access to Justice in Environmental Matters: The EU’s Difficult Road Towards Non-Compliance With the Aarhus Convention

Access to Justice After Lisbon: Slowly Getting to Where You Didn’t Want to Be

Tri­ba­lis­mus in den Nie­der­lan­den: Weiße Männer gegen Migran­ten

Dialogical Rule of Law and the Breakdown of Dialogue in the EU

To Justifie the Wayes of God to Men: Limits to the court's powers of interpretation

Case C-243/15 Lesoochranárske zoskupenie VLK v Obvodný úrad TrenĨín

Whatever happened to the Dutch Left?

The Limits to the CJEU's Interpretation of Locus Standi, a Theoretical Framework

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