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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.A. (Maraike) Coenen


Moving across disorders: A cross-sectional study of cognition in early onset ataxia and dystonia

Moving on with (social) cognition in idiopathic cervical dystonia

Cognition in early onset ataxia and dystonia

Deep brain stimulation in dystonia: The added value of neuropsychological assessments

Early Onset Dystonia: Complaints about Executive Functioning, Depression and Anxiety

The Early Motor Repertoire in Preterm Infancy and Cognition in Young Adulthood: Preliminary Findings

Cognitie voor en na DBS bij volwassenen en kinderen met dystonie

Deep Brain Stimulation in Dystonia: the Added Value of Neuropsychological Assessments

The added value of social cognition in the assessment of fitness to drive in early manifest Huntington’s disease

A Parechovirus Type 3 Infection with a Presumed Intrauterine Onset: A Poor Neurodevelopmental Outcome

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