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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons H.P. Houtzagers, Dr.


Russische grammatica

Burgenland Croatian (Gradišćanskohrvatski jezik)

On the Čakavian dialect of Čunovo near Bratislava

The honorific third person plural in Slavic

Intonationsoppositionen im Kroatischen des südlichen Burgenlandes

Burgenland Croats and Burgenland Croatian: some unanswered questions

Diatopic patterning of Croatian varieties in the Adriatic region

Dutch Contributions to the Fifteenth International Congress of Slavists, Minsk, Linguistics

Gradišćanskohrvatski: o hitnosti kvalitetnog terenskog rada

Obilježja kajkavskoga govora Vedešina i Umoka

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