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The Patio: VINCENZ FREY on Trust in Networks

When:Th 23-02-2023 16:00 - 17:00
Where:Collaboratory B, Harmonie building

The Patio (an interdisciplinary research group on social networks) invites you to their fifth meeting, with speaker dr. Vincenz Frey from the department of Sociology.

Vincenz will deliver a talk titled: “The emergence of exchange structures 2.0: An experimental study of trust and market-wide commitment formation.” His study deals with trust problems and their effect on market structures. Returning to proven partners allows actors to mitigate the risk of being taken advantage of, and the preferential choice of partners who were reliable in the past provides incentives for honest behavior. He revisits the question of how trust problems affect exchange structures.

Vincenz Frey is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology at the RUG. His research focuses on trust and cooperation in social dilemmas, social influence processes, and social networks. In much of his research, he uses game-theoretic and computational tools to derive theoretic predictions and lab and online experiments to test predictions empirically.

Feel free to join our meeting without any registration. More information and updates on the programme can be found on the website of The Patio.