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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) Research Research centres Research Center for the Americas

Sustainable Citizenship

The research group on sustainable citizenship studies the practice and ethics of citizenship across the Americas, pursuing interdisciplinary lines of inquiry into the changing meanings and duties of citizenship as they are understood and practised across the American hemisphere. Researchers in this group aim to make a series of interventions into the ongoing scholarly debate over how different forms of citizenship and citizen engagement might alternatively threaten and/or enhance the sustainability of American societies and culture.

The group has interests in both the long history of its theme and the particular challenges faced by citizenship in the Americas since 9/11, an era in which the politics of national security, as well as the threat of ever-widening economic insecurity, are (re)shaping notions of citizenship across the hemisphere.

Dr Tim Jelfs - Citizenship and Space in the Age of Neoliberalism”
Dr Mark Thompson - “ Land, Liberty, and Property: Surveyors and the Production of Empire in British North America”

Last modified:06 February 2019 12.42 p.m.