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CogniGron Lecture: André van Schaik (International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems and DAP - WSU, Australia) - "Modelling the Visual System"

When:Mo 24-04-2023 10:00 - 12:00
Where:5118.-152 (Nijenborgh 4)

Lectures by Prof. Andre van Schaik (WSU, Australia)

Prof. Andre van Schaik (Director International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems and DAP - WSU, Australia) will give two subsequent lectures on modelling the auditory and visual system.

  • April 20: "Modelling the auditory system"
  • April 24: "Modelling the visual system"

Lecture 1 – April 20

Title: Modelling the eye

In this tutorial I will present the basic organisation and function of the human eye and the retina within it, and discuss efforts to model the retina, both in hardware and software. The software part of this tutorial will run as Jupyter notebook and you are welcome to follow along on your own laptop. Please make sure you have Jupyter Lab installed and the numpy and opencv packages.

Lecture 2 – April 24

Title: Modelling the ear

In this tutorial I will present the basic organisation and function of the human ear and the cochlea within it, and discuss efforts to model the cochlea, both in hardware and software. The software part of this tutorial will run as Jupyter notebook and you are welcome to follow along on your own laptop. Please make sure you have Jupyter Lab installed and the pylab and scipy packages.

More about André van Schaik
André van Schaik is the director of the International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems at Western Sydney University, and one of the pioneers of the field of Neuromorphic Engineering. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, in 1990 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1998. He has authored more than 300 publications, invented more than 35 patents, and is a founder of three start-up companies: VAST Audio, Personal Audio, and Heard Systems.

CogniGron & International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems and DAP - WSU, Australia
As of 2022 CogniGron and the International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems (WSU) have formally agreed to work together. Our vision on how to move forward within the field of Neuromorphic Computing aligns perfectly and we believe that together we educate a new genereation of scientists and do exciting research.