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Joint research in logistics with Georgia Tech: signing ceremony during Economic mission in Atlanta

12 October 2015
Left to right, back row: Prime Minister Bourgeois (Flanders), Mayor Kasim Reed (Atlanta), Prime Minister Rutte (NL). Front row: Francis Rome (director VIL – Flanders), Martin Savelsbergh (professor  ISyE GA Tech), Liesbeth Staps (Deputy Director Dinalog – NL), Benoit Montreuil (professor ISyE, GA Tech), Iris Vis (professor RUG/FEB), and Edwin Romeijn (professor ISyE, GA Tech)

In what way can the logistics sector learn from the way the Internet functions? To use analogy with sending e-mails through the digital web, the Physical Internet (PI) is based on universally hyper-connected, open networks of logistic services, in which physical goods are moved around, stored, delivered and used. This innovative concept is the central theme of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Dutch Institute of Advanced Logistics (Dinalog), the Flemish Institute for Logistics and Georgia Institute of Technology.

During the Dutch-Flemish Economic Mission in Atlanta, professor Iris Vis of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was, on behalf of Dinalog, one of the six signers of the document.

In the presence of prime minister Mark Rutte, minister president Bourgeois (Flanders) and the mayor of Atlanta Kasim Reed a Memorandum of Understanding was signed at October 6, between the TKI Dinalog (Top consortium Knowledge and Innovation in which knowledge institutes, such as the University of Groningen and companies participate), Georgia Institute of Technology and the Flemish Institute for Logistics.

Rutte, Vis and Staps
Rutte, Vis and Staps
“Excellent opportunities”

Professor Iris Vis: “The goal is to provide an additional stimulant to a collaborative working relationship with Georgia Tech on scientific research and knowledge dissimination to enhance innovations for the logistics sector. This joint collaboration offers researchers in The Netherlands, and as a result also the department of Operations of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Groningen, excellent opportunities. At one hand throughout the cooperation with Georgia Tech and on the other hand into potential contacts with North American companies. Key characteristics of the collaboration are performing joint research, jointly organizing conferences and seminars and establishing a grant scheme for PhD candidates and post-docs to perform research at Georgia Tech.”

Rutte informed on PI

Before the signing ceremony prime minister Rutte was explained the topic of the Physical Internet by the Dutch signers Liesbeth Staps (Dinalog) and Iris Vis. Vis: “The Physical Internet (PI) is based on universally hyper-connected, open networks of sustainable logistic services. PI can be seen as an expansion of the current synchromodal approach, by making real-time decisions about routes, choice of transport and transhipment location of containers and their contents.

January 2016, the first Dutch project in the area of the Physical Internet will start in Groningen, namely, the NWO/TKI Dinalog funded project “ Towards virtual ports in a physical internet ” being carried out by researchers Iris Vis, Kees Jan Roodbergen, Paul Buijs, Leandro Coelho (all from the University of Groningen/Operations) and Lori Tavasszy (TU Delft) and corporate partners Groningen Seaports and the Port of Rotterdam.

Refer to:

Note to the press

For more information, prof. dr. Iris Vis , Faculty of Economics and Business

Last modified:29 February 2024 10.02 a.m.
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