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About us Professors

List of ancillary activities

NameFacultyChairRegistered ancillary activitiesOrganisation ancillary activitiesNature of work
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.W.A.M. Aarts</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.W.A.M. Aarts</s:text>
prof. dr. C.W.A.M. Aarts
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesProvincie GroningenReferendum committee member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S.I. Aasman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S.I. Aasman</s:text>
prof. dr. S.I. Aasman
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.G. Akyürek</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.G. Akyürek</s:text>
prof. dr. E.G. Akyürek
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.J. Albers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.J. Albers</s:text>
prof. dr. C.J. Albers
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesVereniging voor Statistiek en Operations ResearchPresident
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en MilieuMember of 'Expert team on Psychometric Analyses'
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A. Allers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A. Allers</s:text>
prof. dr. M.A. Allers
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.T.A. Amsing</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.T.A. Amsing</s:text>
prof. dr. H.T.A. Amsing
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesCornelis JetsesstichtingBoard member
Stichting Paedagogica HistoricaTreasurer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">V. Angelini, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">V. Angelini, Prof</s:text>
V. Angelini, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesMax Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, MunichMember of the Scientific Advisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">dr. G.G. Anthonio</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">dr. G.G. Anthonio</s:text>
dr. G.G. Anthonio
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">H.H. van Ark</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">H.H. van Ark</s:text>
H.H. van Ark
Faculty of Economics and BusinesshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.J.M.M. Arts</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.J.M.M. Arts</s:text>
prof. dr. E.J.M.M. Arts
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesEstonian Environment Institute (EKKI)Member of the Scientific Council
Platform Omgevingsmanagement (POM)Member of the Council of Wise Men
Commissie voor de milieu-effectrapportage (Cmer)Expert pool member
Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, Potcehfstroom Campus, North West University, Zuid AfrikaExtraordinary Professor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">P. Avgeriou, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">P. Avgeriou, Prof</s:text>
P. Avgeriou, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesElsevierEditor Journal of Systems and Software
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">L. Avraamidou, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">L. Avraamidou, Prof</s:text>
L. Avraamidou, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">I. Bal</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">I. Bal</s:text>
I. Bal
Faculty of Science and Engineeringby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">D. Ballas, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">D. Ballas, Prof</s:text>
D. Ballas, Prof
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesGreek National Council for Research, Technology and InnovationPro bono member of a steering committee
UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)Member
Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section.(RSAIBIS)Member of the executive committee
Population, Space and Place journal (published by Wiley)Board member
Worldmapper LimitedAcademic Research Advisor
European Regional Science Association (ERSA)Advisor
Public Health Policy, Frontiers in Public HealthReview Editor
Systems Science in Public Health and Health Economics Research (SIPHER - Advisory Board Member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">T. Banerjee, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">T. Banerjee, Prof</s:text>
T. Banerjee, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. J. Barneveld</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. J. Barneveld</s:text>
prof. mr. J. Barneveld
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. C.J. Bastmeijer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. C.J. Bastmeijer</s:text>
prof. dr. mr. C.J. Bastmeijer
Faculty of ArtsYesLegal Advice for NatureAdvisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">D. Bauso, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">D. Bauso, Prof</s:text>
D. Bauso, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">C.F. van den Berg</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">C.F. van den Berg</s:text>
C.F. van den Berg
Campus Fryslâ B.M. TeldersstichtingCuratorium member
Montesquieu InstituutResearch Fellow
Der Moderne StaatEditorial board member
Eerste Kamer der Staten-GeneraalMember
Leiden UniversitySpecial professor
Stichting Van PanhuysSecretary
Stichting Recht en OverheidBoard member Stichting Recht en Overheid
Adviesraad Holwerd aan ZeeMember Holwerd aan Zee Advisory Council
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J. van den Berg</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J. van den Berg</s:text>
prof. dr. G.J. van den Berg
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesUniversity of BristolHonorary Affiliate Professor
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)Affiliate professor
IFAU UppsalaResearch affiliate
SHARE Berlin InstituteMember Supervisory Board, SHARE Berlin Institute
Tilburg UniversityMember Supervisory Board Tilburg University
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.P. Berg, Prof Dr</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.P. Berg, Prof Dr</s:text>
M.P. Berg, Prof Dr
Faculty of Science and Engineeringby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.A. Bergshoeff</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.A. Bergshoeff</s:text>
prof. dr. E.A. Bergshoeff
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.M. Berk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.M. Berk</s:text>
prof. dr. J.M. Berk
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesDe Nederlandsche BankDirector of statistics
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Beugelsdijk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Beugelsdijk</s:text>
prof. dr. S. Beugelsdijk
Faculty of Economics and BusinesshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.W. Beukeboom</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.W. Beukeboom</s:text>
prof. dr. L.W. Beukeboom
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesBiobestrijdingAdvisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Bezemer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Bezemer</s:text>
prof. dr. D.J. Bezemer
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesTriodos BankResearch partner Triodos Bank
UNDPResearch report writer
Comenius/ AOGLecturer
De Groene AmsterdammerColumn writer
Tweede KamerMember of ad hoc advisory committee
Cardano PensioenadviesSupport
Foundation for European Progressive Studies , Wiardi Beckman StichtingWriter
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J. Bijlsma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J. Bijlsma</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. J. Bijlsma
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYesUtrecht University-
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.H.A. Bijmolt</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.H.A. Bijmolt</s:text>
prof. dr. T.H.A. Bijmolt
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesDVJ InsightsScientific Advisory Board member
Diverse instatnties, met name EIASM, Prodok/VHBLecturer
Diverse advocatenkantorenFreelancer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. O.P.G. Bik, RA</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. O.P.G. Bik, RA</s:text>
prof. dr. O.P.G. Bik, RA
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesCommissie Eindtermen AccountantsopleidingCommissioner
Olof Bik B.V.Director
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J.C. Billeter, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J.C. Billeter, Prof</s:text>
J.C. Billeter, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Bintanja</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Bintanja</s:text>
prof. dr. R. Bintanja
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesKNMISenior climate researcher
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.J.G. de Blok</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.J.G. de Blok</s:text>
prof. dr. W.J.G. de Blok
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio AstronomyResearch Scientist
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J. de Bloom, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J. de Bloom, Prof</s:text>
J. de Bloom, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesGerman Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAUA)Advisory board member
University of ZürichTeacher
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. B.B. Bock</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. B.B. Bock</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. B.B. Bock
Faculty of Spatial Sciencesby special appointmentYesonderdeel van werk aan RUGMember scientific reflection board
wageningen universiteitProfessor
province of GroningenMember of the independent assessment committee
Wageningen UniversityEmployee
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D. Boer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D. Boer</s:text>
prof. dr. D. Boer
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.C. Boerma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.C. Boerma</s:text>
prof. dr. E.C. Boerma
Campus Fryslânby special appointmentYesMedisch Centrum LeeuwardenDean
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. van den Bogaart</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. van den Bogaart</s:text>
prof. dr. G. van den Bogaart
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Bolt</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Bolt</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Bolt
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesLund UniversityAssociate Professor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. Boonstra</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. Boonstra</s:text>
prof. dr. A. Boonstra
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesNWOMember of the Scientific Advisory Board
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / GUFMember of the Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Bos</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Bos</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Bos
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.E. Boschma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.E. Boschma</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. H.E. Boschma
Faculty of LawYesStichting Grotius AcademieLecturer and examiner
Staff Member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.J. Bosker</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.J. Bosker</s:text>
prof. dr. R.J. Bosker
Faculty of Behavioural and Social ScienceshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C. Both</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C. Both</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. C. Both
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesSOVON Vogelonderzoek NederlandMember of scientific advisory committee
Nordic Society OikosSubject Editor Journal of Avian Biology
NWOChair of NWO Research community Life & Planet
Netherlands Ornithologists UnionChair
Vogelbescherming NederlandMember scientific advisory committee
Nederlands Ecologisch Research NetwerkBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.N. Bouwman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.N. Bouwman</s:text>
prof. dr. J.N. Bouwman
Faculty of LawYesSDU UitgeversEditorial board member
Boom Juridische UitgeversEditorial board member
SDU UitgeversPermanent staff member NTFR
Register Belastingadviseurs te Den Haag.Member of examination board
Ministerie van FinanciënMember of independent committee
prof. mr. F. BrandsmaFaculty of LawNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.A.J. Bras</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.A.J. Bras</s:text>
prof. dr. H.A.J. Bras
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. A.G. Bregman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. A.G. Bregman</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. A.G. Bregman
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYesInstituut voor BouwrechtSenior Staffemployee
Bregman Advisering B.V.Owner
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H. Broekhuis</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H. Broekhuis</s:text>
prof. dr. H. Broekhuis
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.J. Broersma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.J. Broersma</s:text>
prof. dr. M.J. Broersma
Faculty of ArtsYesDe CorrespondentMember of the Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.E. Broring</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.E. Broring</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. H.E. Broring
Faculty of LawYesStichting Studiecentrum RechtsplegingCourse leader
Stichting PeerdBoard member
Stichting CGTCBoard member
Stichting ErfgoedpartnersBoard member
Stichting Staatsrecht, Bestuursrecht en BestuurskundeSecretary
Stichting Stolpersteine GroningenBoard member
Grotius AcademieCourse leader
Academie voor Wetgevingsjuristen / OverheidsjuristenCourse leader
Stichting Centrum Groninger Taal en CultuurBoard member
Stichting Peerd (Theater)Board member
Universiteit van ArubaExtraordinary professor
Wolters KluwerEditorial board member General Administrative Law
SduEditorial director
NPBOMember Think Tank
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.E. Brouwer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.E. Brouwer</s:text>
prof. dr. A.E. Brouwer
Faculty of Spatial Sciencesby special appointmentYesMEE NoordMember of the Supervisory Board
OECDExpert Advisory Committee: OECD
CMO STAMM / Sociaal Planbureau Groningen / Trendbureau DrentheSenior researcher CMO Stamm
Samenwerkingsverband Noord NederlandExpert advisor EFRO and JTF at SNN
European Regional Science AssociationRegional Science Association-NL board Member
Rijksuniversiteit GroningenScientific Council Agricola School of Sustainable
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. drs. B.J. Brouwers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. drs. B.J. Brouwers</s:text>
prof. drs. B.J. Brouwers
Faculty of ArtsYesMedia52 BVOwner
Zeelberg Media BVOwner
NOSSupervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">W.R. Browne, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">W.R. Browne, Prof</s:text>
W.R. Browne, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesFWO BelgiumReviewer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.P. de Bruin</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.P. de Bruin</s:text>
prof. dr. B.P. de Bruin
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesKoninklijke Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van AccountantsMember Faculty Ethics, culture and behaviour
Bureau voor toegepaste filosofieMember Advisory Board
Journal of Business EthicsMember of the editorial board
Göteborg UniversitetGuest professor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.M.T.A. Brus</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.M.T.A. Brus</s:text>
prof. dr. M.M.T.A. Brus
Faculty of LawYesThe Rights ForumAdvisory board member
Stichting B.V.A. Röling LeerstoelMember of the board
International Law Association, LondonMember of the Executive Council
Springer PressEditorial board member
ISS/Erasmus Universiteit RotterdamBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">F.J. Budelmann, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">F.J. Budelmann, Prof</s:text>
F.J. Budelmann, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.W. Buitelaar</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.W. Buitelaar</s:text>
prof. dr. M.W. Buitelaar
Faculty of Religion, Culture and SocietyYesNIMAR (Nederlands Instituut Marokko)Member of the Social Advisory Council
Nederlands Instituut Marokko (NIMAR)Guest lecturer
NIMAR/ Universiteit LeidenTeacher
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. W. Burgerhart</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. W. Burgerhart</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. W. Burgerhart
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. I.J.J. Burgers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. I.J.J. Burgers</s:text>
prof. dr. I.J.J. Burgers
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesInternational Tax Center Leiden, EY Tax Academy, PWC Tax Academy, Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Accountants, IBFD, Ministerie van Financien (verschilt per jaar)PAO teaching and lectures
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. I.J.J. Burgers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. I.J.J. Burgers</s:text>
prof. dr. I.J.J. Burgers
Faculty of LawYesInternational Tax Center Leiden, EY Tax Academy, PWC Tax Academy, Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Accountants, IBFD, Ministerie van Financien (verschilt per jaar)PAO teaching and lectures
UvACommittee Member Midterm Review
UvACommittee Member Midterm Review
Ministerie van FinancienMember of Bouwstenen sounding board group
Ministerie van FinancienMember of Bouwstenen sounding board group
Ministerie van FinancienLId sounding board group Building blocks
Ministerie van FinancienLId sounding board group Building blocks
Vereniging van Beleggers voor Duurzame OntwikkelingJury VBDO Tax Transparency Benchmark 2019
Vereniging van Beleggers voor Duurzame OntwikkelingJury VBDO Tax Transparency Benchmark 2019
Vereniging van Beleggers voor Duurzame OntwikkelingJury VBDO Tax Transparency Benchmark 2019
Vereniging van Beleggers voor Duurzame OntwikkelingJury VBDO Tax Transparency Benchmark 2019
International Tax Center Leiden, EY Tax Academy, PWC Tax Academy, Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Accountants, IBFD, Ministerie van Financien (verschilt per jaar)PAO teaching and lectures
International Tax Center Leiden, EY Tax Academy, PWC Tax Academy, Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Accountants, IBFD, Ministerie van Financien (verschilt per jaar)PAO teaching and lectures
Ministerie van FinancienMembership of Independent Research Commission
Ministerie van FinancienMembership of Independent Research Commission
Ministerie van FinancienMember of independent advisory committee Rulings
Ministerie van FinancienMember of independent advisory committee Rulings
Register BelastingadviseursMember of examination board
Register BelastingadviseursMember of examination board
Register BelastingadviseursMember of examination board
Register BelastingadviseursMember of examination board
Universiteit LeuvenJuror International Tax Moot Court
Universiteit LeuvenJuror International Tax Moot Court
Universiteit LeuvenJuror International Tax Moot Court
Universiteit LeuvenJuror International Tax Moot Court
UvACommittee Member Midterm Review
UvACommittee Member Midterm Review
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.K. Camlibel, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.K. Camlibel, Prof</s:text>
M.K. Camlibel, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J.A. Cannataci, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J.A. Cannataci, Prof</s:text>
J.A. Cannataci, Prof
Faculty of LawYesUniversity of MaltaProfessor, Head Dept of Info. Policy & Governance
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M. Cao, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M. Cao, Prof</s:text>
M. Cao, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesEuropean Cooperation in Science & TechnologyMember of the management committee
International Federation of Automatic ControlMember of the Conference Board
Munich AI Future Lab, TU MunichMember of the Advisory Committee
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">K.I. Caputi, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">K.I. Caputi, Prof</s:text>
K.I. Caputi, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.R. Casier</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.R. Casier</s:text>
prof. dr. T.R. Casier
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Castelein</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Castelein</s:text>
prof. dr. S. Castelein
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.A. Cense</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.A. Cense</s:text>
prof. dr. H.A. Cense
Faculty of Economics and Businessby special appointmentYesRed Cross Hospital Beverwijk and NWZ Alkmaar / Den HelderSurgeon
DICA Dutch Institute for Clinical AuditingPresident supervisory board DICA
Stichting Ondersteuningsfonds KNMG (StOF)Chair Foundation StOF KNMG
www.planjezorg.onlineFounding father of
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde NVvHVice president Dutch Association for Surgery
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">H. Chen, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">H. Chen, Prof</s:text>
H. Chen, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">O.O. Cherednychenko, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">O.O. Cherednychenko, Prof</s:text>
O.O. Cherednychenko, Prof
Faculty of LawYesWorld Council for Law Firms & Justice (WCLF)Advisory board member
Institut für finanzdienstleistungen (Iff), HamburgMember
UvAMember Amsterdam Centre for Insurance Studies
RUGMember centre Philosophy, Politics and Economics
International Association of Legal Science (IALS)Board member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">E. Chicca, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">E. Chicca, Prof</s:text>
E. Chicca, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A.L.B. Colombi Ciacchi, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A.L.B. Colombi Ciacchi, Prof</s:text>
A.L.B. Colombi Ciacchi, Prof
Faculty of LawYesBrill PublishingEditor-in-Chief
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.M. Cook, PhD</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.M. Cook, PhD</s:text>
M.M. Cook, PhD
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">S. Corbellini, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">S. Corbellini, Prof</s:text>
S. Corbellini, Prof
Faculty of ArtsYesNWOMember of assessment committee
COST, European Cooperation in Science and TechnologyMember of assessment committee
KU LeuvenMember of the Advisory Board
Stichting Oude Groninger KerkenMember of the editorial board
Onderzoekschool MediëvistiekChair Board Research School Medieval Studies
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. O. Couwenberg</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. O. Couwenberg</s:text>
prof. dr. O. Couwenberg
Campus FryslânhonoraryYesStichting Kunst te GastFoundation Kunst te Gast, chair
NHL Stenden HogeschoolVice President Executive Board NHL Stenden UAS
Stichting Topklinische Zorg FrieslandBoard Foundation "Topklinische Zorg Friesland"
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Damen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Damen</s:text>
prof. dr. S. Damen
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentYesNederlandse vereniging voor onderwijskundigen en pedagogenChair
SPO (SchakelProgramma Orthopedagogiek)Lecturer
Stichting MICHBoard Member
Vereniging Cornelia de Lange SyndroomMember Scien
Deafblind International
Deafblind InternationalChair DbI Communication Network
Koninklijke KentalisSenior researcher
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Da Silveira Duarte</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Da Silveira Duarte</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Da Silveira Duarte
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesNHL Stenden HogeschoolLecturer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">C. De Persis, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">C. De Persis, Prof</s:text>
C. De Persis, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.W.A. Dietzenbacher</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.W.A. Dietzenbacher</s:text>
prof. dr. H.W.A. Dietzenbacher
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C.E.M.J. van Dijk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C.E.M.J. van Dijk</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. C.E.M.J. van Dijk
Faculty of Science and Engineeringby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. van Dijk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. van Dijk</s:text>
prof. dr. G. van Dijk
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.W.G. van Dijk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.W.G. van Dijk</s:text>
prof. dr. M.W.G. van Dijk
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. Dijkstra</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. Dijkstra</s:text>
prof. dr. A. Dijkstra
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesNENChair NEN committee EU guidelines online gambling
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. P.M.G. Dirks</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. P.M.G. Dirks</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. P.M.G. Dirks
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesNIVEThesis supervisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.P. van Donk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.P. van Donk</s:text>
prof. dr. D.P. van Donk
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesIDTMTreasurer/board member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. van Doorn</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. van Doorn</s:text>
prof. dr. J. van Doorn
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesb.v. Institute for Service LeadershipGuest lecturer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.K.W. de Dreu</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.K.W. de Dreu</s:text>
prof. dr. C.K.W. de Dreu
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.J.M. Driessen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.J.M. Driessen</s:text>
prof. dr. A.J.M. Driessen
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesTKI ChemistryVice chair Council Chemistry of life
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and SciencesMember
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.J. Drogendijk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.J. Drogendijk</s:text>
prof. dr. H.J. Drogendijk
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesUppsala University, Department of Business StudiesResearcher
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Duchateau</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Duchateau</s:text>
prof. dr. R. Duchateau
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesSABIC Europe B.V.Chief Scientist
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.L.A. Dückers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.L.A. Dückers</s:text>
prof. dr. M.L.A. Dückers
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A.J. van Duijn</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A.J. van Duijn</s:text>
prof. dr. M.A.J. van Duijn
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">B. Ehrler, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">B. Ehrler, Prof</s:text>
B. Ehrler, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesAMOLFScientific group leader at NWO-Institute AMOLF
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. V.I. Eichelsheim</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. V.I. Eichelsheim</s:text>
prof. dr. V.I. Eichelsheim
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentYesNetherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law EnforcementSenior researcher
Raad voor de Kinderbescherming, Regio WestMember complaints advisory committee
Erkenningscommissie Justitiële InterventiesMember accreditation committee
Jeugdbescherming Regio Amsterdammember advisory board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Eickhoff</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Eickhoff</s:text>
prof. dr. M. Eickhoff
Faculty of Artsby special appointmentYesKNAWDirector NIOD
Niod Instiute for War Holocaust and Genocide StudiesDirector NIOD
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">U.L.M. Eisel, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">U.L.M. Eisel, Prof</s:text>
U.L.M. Eisel, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.P. Elhorst</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.P. Elhorst</s:text>
prof. dr. J.P. Elhorst
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesNWONWO beoordelingscommissie Vici SGW domein
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.K. Elzinga</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.K. Elzinga</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. H.K. Elzinga
Faculty of LawYesDe rechtspraak, Gerechrtshof Arnhem-LeeuwardenCouncil deputy
De rechtspraak, Gerechtshof Arnhem-LeeuwardenCouncil deputy
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.A. Emanuels</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.A. Emanuels</s:text>
prof. dr. J.A. Emanuels
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesTacstone (Tacstone La Rive B.V.)Consultant
GGnetSupervisory Board Member
FPC Dr. S. Van MesdagMember of the Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">B.D.H.K. Eriksson, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">B.D.H.K. Eriksson, Prof</s:text>
B.D.H.K. Eriksson, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">R.M. Esser, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">R.M. Esser, Prof</s:text>
R.M. Esser, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.S. Etienne</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.S. Etienne</s:text>
prof. dr. R.S. Etienne
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesJournal of Theoretical
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J.W. Euverink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J.W. Euverink</s:text>
prof. dr. G.J.W. Euverink
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesTKI Agri-FoodMember review committee
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J. Falcao Salles, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J. Falcao Salles, Prof</s:text>
J. Falcao Salles, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesExecutive Board International Society for Microbial EcologyTreasurer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">P.M.M. de Faria, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">P.M.M. de Faria, Prof</s:text>
P.M.M. de Faria, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.M. Fennis</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.M. Fennis</s:text>
prof. dr. B.M. Fennis
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesFood and Nutrition Centre, the HagueMember advisory board
Voedingscentrum Den HaagMember advisory board
Voedingscentrum Den HaagMember advisory board
Institute of Service LeadershipLecturer and consultant
Horizon Europe grant 101136955 “TealHelix: Building Resilience Through Inclusive and Personalized Food Labeling”Sr. Researcher Horizon Europe: TealHelix
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.L. Feringa</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.L. Feringa</s:text>
prof. dr. B.L. Feringa
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A. Flache, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A. Flache, Prof</s:text>
A. Flache, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. M.W. Fraaije</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. M.W. Fraaije</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. M.W. Fraaije
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesGECCOCo-founder & advisor
OertijdmuseumBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.I. Franklin</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.I. Franklin</s:text>
prof. dr. M.I. Franklin
Faculty of ArtsYesUN Internet Governance ForumSteering Committee Member
European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)Moderator
Digital Constitutionalism NetworkCore member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">F. Fraternali, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">F. Fraternali, Prof</s:text>
F. Fraternali, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.W.M. Frenken</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.W.M. Frenken</s:text>
prof. dr. J.W.M. Frenken
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesHealth Technology Research and Innovation Cluster (HTRIC)Member Supervisory Board
Applied Interfaces BVOwner
Stichting Big ChemistryChairman Supervisory Board
ARC-CBBCMember Supervisory Board
Nikhef SamenwerkingsverbandBoard member
Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee, NIOZMember University Forum
Nederlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie, NOVAMember of the Supervisory Board
NCOHMember of the Supervisory Board
Nederlandse universiteiten met BètafaculteitPortfolio holder
KNAWMember Audit Committee
Leiden Probe Microscopy BVCo-founder
Applied Nanolayers BVCo-founder
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.W. Frijlink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.W. Frijlink</s:text>
prof. dr. H.W. Frijlink
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesAsterivir SAMember of the Scientific Advisory Board
ICONSupervisory board member PRA Group BV (ICON Nl)
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J.M. Fuller, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J.M. Fuller, Prof</s:text>
J.M. Fuller, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.H. Garretsen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.H. Garretsen</s:text>
prof. dr. J.H. Garretsen
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A.M.H. Gauthier, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A.M.H. Gauthier, Prof</s:text>
A.M.H. Gauthier, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social ScienceshonoraryYesNetherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) (NIDI is affliliated with RUG)Member of the sociology department
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. P.G.F.A. Geerts</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. P.G.F.A. Geerts</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. P.G.F.A. Geerts
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYesProf. Paul Geerts Bescherming van de intellectuele eigendomIndependent legal counsel
Bescherming van de intellectuele eigendomIndependent legal counsel
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M. GhandchiTehrani, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M. GhandchiTehrani, Prof</s:text>
M. GhandchiTehrani, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. E. van der Giessen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. E. van der Giessen</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. E. van der Giessen
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.J. Gijsenberg, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.J. Gijsenberg, Prof</s:text>
M.J. Gijsenberg, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">mr. dr. V.H. Glerum</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">mr. dr. V.H. Glerum</s:text>
mr. dr. V.H. Glerum
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYesrechtbank AmsterdamSenior legal advisor
Wolters Kluwerauthor/member of the board of editors
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.H. Gordijn</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.H. Gordijn</s:text>
prof. dr. E.H. Gordijn
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Gosens</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Gosens</s:text>
prof. dr. R. Gosens
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesNoordelijke Cara StichtingBoard member
Stichting AquiloConsultant
Aquilo BVCo-founder Aquilo BV
Netherlands Respiratory Society (NRS)Vice-president NRS
Mimecure BVCo-founder and shareholder Mimecure BV
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. K.J. de Graaf</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. K.J. de Graaf</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. K.J. de Graaf
Faculty of LawYesVereniging voor MilieurechtMember of the board
Rechtbank Noord NederlandDeputy judge
Boom juridische uitgeversEditorial board Journal of Environmental law
Vereniging voor Milieurecht (VMR)President
SSR (overheid)Course leader
Rijksoverheid, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en KoninkrijksrelatiesGovernment Commissioner Environment & Planning Act
Stichting SBBMember of the board
SduMember of the Editorial Board JBplus
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.J. Groen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.J. Groen</s:text>
prof. dr. A.J. Groen
University ServicesYesThapar Institute for Engineering and TechnologyHonorary Professor
Venturelab International Holding BVOwner
Ivy-medical bvAdvisory board member
stichting kansrijk eigen baasPresident
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B. Groenewoudt</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B. Groenewoudt</s:text>
prof. dr. B. Groenewoudt
Faculty of Artsby special appointmentYesRijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE)Landscape historical research
CultuurfondsMember Advisory Board Nature
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. de Haan</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. de Haan</s:text>
prof. dr. J. de Haan
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesDNBHead of research
Jakob de Haan economisch onderzoek en adviesAdvisor
Jakob de Haan Economische onderzoek en adviesOwner consulting firm
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A. Haan</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A. Haan</s:text>
prof. dr. M.A. Haan
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. Y. de Haan</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. Y. de Haan</s:text>
prof. dr. Y. de Haan
Faculty of Artsby special appointmentYesRijksuniversiteit GroningenProfessor bij special appointment Local Pubic Broa
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.P. ter Haar</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.P. ter Haar</s:text>
prof. dr. B.P. ter Haar
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYesUniversity of Warsaw, PolandUW Prof. and Head of the Centre for International
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Haartsen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Haartsen</s:text>
prof. dr. T. Haartsen
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesTreffend EenrumChair Citizen Initiative Treffend Eenrum
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Hage</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Hage</s:text>
prof. dr. R. Hage
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesCatexel BVIndustrial catalysis and bio-inorganic chemistry
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. H.H. Haisma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. H.H. Haisma</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. H.H. Haisma
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesUGMember of coordinating team
Netherlands Working Group for International NutritionMember
Nutrition in TransitionMember
International Union for Nutrition SciencesChair Task Force
University Medical Centre GroningenResearcher Nutrition & Prevention
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Hak</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Hak</s:text>
prof. dr. E. Hak
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesStichting BEBO (CCMO-erkend Medisch Ethische Toetsingscommissie).Methodological assessor
GezondheidsraadConsultant Health Council
MEC-UMember as methodologist METC MEC-U
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. Halbertsma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. Halbertsma</s:text>
prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. Halbertsma
Campus Fryslânby special appointmentYesStichtingen, zie ProfielChairman and board member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">I. Hamati-Ataya, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">I. Hamati-Ataya, Prof</s:text>
I. Hamati-Ataya, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J. Hanich, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J. Hanich, Prof</s:text>
J. Hanich, Prof
Faculty of ArtsYesE.g. the magazine FilmbulletinOccasional film reviews and essays
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">S. Harutyunyan, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">S. Harutyunyan, Prof</s:text>
S. Harutyunyan, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. H.J. Heeres</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. H.J. Heeres</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. H.J. Heeres
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C.M. van der Heide</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C.M. van der Heide</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. C.M. van der Heide
Faculty of Spatial Sciencesby special appointmentYesMinistry of LNV (Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality), in The HaguePolicy maker
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. T. van der Heide</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. T. van der Heide</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. T. van der Heide
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesKoninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der ZeeResearch leader at NIOZ
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M. Heinemann, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M. Heinemann, Prof</s:text>
M. Heinemann, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesEuropean CommissionMember
different onesReviewer
NWOParticipant in grant proposal committees
Biotech DelftLecturer
different onesExternal member faculty search committees and PhD
different onesEditorial board member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. Helmi</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. Helmi</s:text>
prof. dr. A. Helmi
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesEuropean Southern ObservatoryScientific Delegate
Raad voor de AstronomieMember
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. Hendriks</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. Hendriks</s:text>
prof. dr. P. Hendriks
Faculty of ArtsYesMaatschap Hendriks SchoonoordPartner
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.L.M. Hermes</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.L.M. Hermes</s:text>
prof. dr. C.L.M. Hermes
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesUniversity of Stellenbosch, Zuid AfrikaExtraordinary Professor
Universite Libre de BruxellesVisiting Professor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.L.M. Hertogh</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.L.M. Hertogh</s:text>
prof. dr. M.L.M. Hertogh
Faculty of LawYesInternational Journal of Law in Context (Cambridge University Press)Editor-In-chief
Recht der WerkelijkheidChairman editorial board
Nederlands JuristenbladStaff member
Law, Society, Policy; Bristol University PressMember of the International Advisory Board
Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en KoninkrijksrelatiesDep. Chair State Commission on the Rule of Law
Utrecht UniversityDistinguished Professor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">L.M. Herzog, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">L.M. Herzog, Prof</s:text>
L.M. Herzog, Prof
Faculty of PhilosophyYesDiverseLecturer
other universities or NGOLecturer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.H.C. Heutink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.H.C. Heutink</s:text>
prof. dr. J.H.C. Heutink
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentYesKoninklijke Visio, Expertisecentrum voor slechtziende en blinde mensenStrategic advisor to the board of directors
Heutink Ikonen VOFArt dealer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F.A. Hindriks</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F.A. Hindriks</s:text>
prof. dr. F.A. Hindriks
Faculty of PhilosophyYesTilburg UniversityChair SEP research assessment, Tilburg
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.C.J. Hoeks</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.C.J. Hoeks</s:text>
prof. dr. J.C.J. Hoeks
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. R.A. Hoekstra</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. R.A. Hoekstra</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. R.A. Hoekstra
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.W. Hoen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.W. Hoen</s:text>
prof. dr. H.W. Hoen
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.L. ter Hoeven</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.L. ter Hoeven</s:text>
prof. dr. R.L. ter Hoeven
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesStichting Maandblad voor Accountancy en BedrijfseconomieMember core editorial board
Deloitte Accountants B.V.Partner Deloitte Accountants B.V.
Stichting Raad voor de JaarverslaggevingChairman
R.L.ter Hoeven Beheer BVDirector
CBF Dutch Fundraiser RegulatorMember Appeal Board CBF
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.H.A. Hofman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.H.A. Hofman</s:text>
prof. dr. W.H.A. Hofman
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.G.M. Holterman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.G.M. Holterman</s:text>
prof. dr. W.G.M. Holterman
Faculty of Economics and BusinesshonoraryYesValue Insights Advisory B.V.Strategic M&A and valuation advice
Ministerie van Justitie en VeiligheidMember of the Insolvency Law Committee
Nederlandse Vereniging voor HerstructureringChair Educational Committee
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">R.L. Holzhacker, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">R.L. Holzhacker, Prof</s:text>
R.L. Holzhacker, Prof
Faculty of Spatial Sciencesby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.J. van den Hoofdakker</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.J. van den Hoofdakker</s:text>
prof. dr. B.J. van den Hoofdakker
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentYesAccare/Accare Child Study CenterClinical psychologist/researcher
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.B.H. Hooghiemstra</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.B.H. Hooghiemstra</s:text>
prof. dr. R.B.H. Hooghiemstra
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesRaad voor de Jaarverslaggeving / Dutch Accounting Standards BoardMember working group Management Report/CG (RJ-400)
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. B. Hoops</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. B. Hoops</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. B. Hoops
Faculty of LawYesWolters KluwerEditorial board member and author
Olenz Notarissen, VeenendaalAdvisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.G. Horlings</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.G. Horlings</s:text>
prof. dr. L.G. Horlings
Faculty of Spatial SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">P.L. Horvatovich, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">P.L. Horvatovich, Prof</s:text>
P.L. Horvatovich, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.A. Hoving</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.A. Hoving</s:text>
prof. dr. R.A. Hoving
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">K.S. Hubacek, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">K.S. Hubacek, Prof</s:text>
K.S. Hubacek, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesUniversity of MarylandVisiting professor
Austrian National BankExpert panel of the Austrian National Bank
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. D.J. Huisman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. D.J. Huisman</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. D.J. Huisman
Faculty of Artsby special appointmentYesRijksdienst voor het Cultureel ErfgoedSenior Researcher
Journal of Archaeological ScienceMember editorial board
Netherlands Isotope GEochemistry Laboratory (NIGEL)Member Governing Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.J.C. Huntjens</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.J.C. Huntjens</s:text>
prof. dr. R.J.C. Huntjens
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesalliantie kwaliteit in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg [AKWA]Committee guidelines Dissociative disorders
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.A. Hut</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.A. Hut</s:text>
prof. dr. R.A. Hut
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.C. Inklaar</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.C. Inklaar</s:text>
prof. dr. R.C. Inklaar
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesIARIWEditor Review of Income and Wealth
RijksoverheidGuest lecturer BOFEB
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. K. van Ittersum</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. K. van Ittersum</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. K. van Ittersum
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesObseq B.V.Co-founder & -director
Schuttelaar & PartnersMember of the Advisory Board
VarieertLecturer and advisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">H. Jaeger, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">H. Jaeger, Prof</s:text>
H. Jaeger, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J.H. Jans</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J.H. Jans</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. J.H. Jans
Faculty of LawhonoraryYesAvosetta Group of European Environmental LawyersMember
Legal Issues of Economic Integration (LIEI)Member Editorial Advisory Board
Journal of Environmental Law (JEL)Associate Editor
Columbia Journal of European LawMember Board of Advisors
Commissie Milieu-effectbeoordelingMember
Universiteit KopenhagenMember of the Advisory Board
Journal of Environmental & Planning LawMember Editorial Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.P. Jansen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.P. Jansen</s:text>
prof. dr. E.P. Jansen
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesFlynth Adviseurs & AccountantsDirector
Arenicolatreasurer G.W.V. Arenicola
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. J.E. Jansen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. J.E. Jansen</s:text>
prof. mr. J.E. Jansen
Faculty of LawYesPost Academisch OnderwijsLegal course provider
Radboud Universiteit NijmegenTeacher
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F.G.A. Jansman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F.G.A. Jansman</s:text>
prof. dr. F.G.A. Jansman
Faculty of Science and Engineeringby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F. Janssen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F. Janssen</s:text>
prof. dr. F. Janssen
Faculty of Spatial ScienceshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. O. Janssen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. O. Janssen</s:text>
prof. dr. O. Janssen
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. W.A. Janssen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. W.A. Janssen</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. W.A. Janssen
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">B. Jayawardhana, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">B. Jayawardhana, Prof</s:text>
B. Jayawardhana, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesOcean Grazer BVAdvisor
Hanze HogeschoolAdvisory committee member
Bandoengse Technische Hoogeschool FondsGeneral board member BTHF
RUG VenturesScientific advisory board
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU DelftScientific director of DISC
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">C. Jedan, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">C. Jedan, Prof</s:text>
C. Jedan, Prof
Faculty of Religion, Culture and SocietyNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. de Jong</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. de Jong</s:text>
prof. dr. A. de Jong
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesMonash UniversityProfessor of Finance
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. de Jong</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. de Jong</s:text>
prof. dr. G. de Jong
Campus FryslânNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.J. de Jong</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.J. de Jong</s:text>
prof. dr. H.J. de Jong
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesStichting Universiteitsblad GroningenChair of the Board
N.W. Posthumus InstituutBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L. de Jong</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L. de Jong</s:text>
prof. dr. L. de Jong
Faculty of ArtsYesNederlands Instituut van het Nabije OostenMember academic committee
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P.J. de Jong</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P.J. de Jong</s:text>
prof. dr. P.J. de Jong
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. de Jonge</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. de Jonge</s:text>
prof. dr. P. de Jonge
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Jonkers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Jonkers</s:text>
prof. dr. R. Jonkers
Faculty of ArtsYesAfasienetPresident
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Jordan</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Jordan</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Jordan
Faculty of Economics and BusinesshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki</s:text>
prof. dr. N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Kalmijn</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Kalmijn</s:text>
prof. dr. M. Kalmijn
Faculty of Behavioural and Social ScienceshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.E. Kalverboer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.E. Kalverboer</s:text>
M.E. Kalverboer
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">I.E.E. Kamp, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">I.E.E. Kamp, Prof</s:text>
I.E.E. Kamp, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesKoninklijk Natuurkundig GenootschapBoard Member
LKBFBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.M.G. Kamperman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.M.G. Kamperman</s:text>
prof. dr. M.M.G. Kamperman
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesLeibniz Institute for Interactive MaterialsScientific Advisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.E.M. Kamp-Roelands, RA</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.E.M. Kamp-Roelands, RA</s:text>
prof. dr. A.E.M. Kamp-Roelands, RA
Faculty of Economics and Businessby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">D. Karastoyanova, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">D. Karastoyanova, Prof</s:text>
D. Karastoyanova, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.J.H. Kas</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.J.H. Kas</s:text>
prof. dr. M.J.H. Kas
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">N.H. Katsonis, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">N.H. Katsonis, Prof</s:text>
N.H. Katsonis, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesFoundation Big ChemistryChair of the Steering Group Robotlab
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)Board member of the KNAW van't Hoff Foundation
Institute for Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (WPI-SKCM2), JapanAffiliate Membership
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. de Keijser</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. de Keijser</s:text>
prof. dr. A. de Keijser
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentYesOpleidingsinstituut PPO/RUGEducator
Centraal Medisch Tuchtcollege valt onder het Ministerie van VWSMember Central Medical Disciplinary Tribunal
Ministerie van Justitie en VeiligheidAdvisor Minister of Legal Protecion
ZonMwMember committee dividing research fee MHC
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.C.J. Keijzer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.C.J. Keijzer</s:text>
prof. dr. M.C.J. Keijzer
Faculty of ArtsYesNufficChair for TTO accreditation cycle Nuffic
Stichting AmmodoAdviescommissie Ammodo Science Fellowship 2024
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. B.F. Keulen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. B.F. Keulen</s:text>
prof. mr. B.F. Keulen
Faculty of LawhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.A.L. Kiers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.A.L. Kiers</s:text>
prof. dr. H.A.L. Kiers
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. I.J. van der Klei</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. I.J. van der Klei</s:text>
prof. dr. I.J. van der Klei
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. Kleingeld</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. Kleingeld</s:text>
prof. dr. P. Kleingeld
Faculty of PhilosophyNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A.M. Klingenberg</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A.M. Klingenberg</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. A.M. Klingenberg
Faculty of LawYesRechtbank Noord NederlandDeputy judge
Stichting WAMSPresident
SDUEditorial board member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.G. Knoeff</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.G. Knoeff</s:text>
prof. dr. H.G. Knoeff
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Knoester</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Knoester</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Knoester
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesNetherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA)Chair Supervisory Board
Dutch Physical Society (NNV)Boardmember
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.H.W. Knot</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.H.W. Knot</s:text>
prof. dr. K.H.W. Knot
Faculty of Economics and BusinesshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A. Kolder</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A. Kolder</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. A. Kolder
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. W.D. Kolkman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. W.D. Kolkman</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. W.D. Kolkman
Faculty of LawYesGerechtshof Arnhem-LeeuwardenCouncil deputy
Stichting Personen-, Familie- en JeugdrechtMember of the Board
Diverse postacademische opleidingenTeacher
Uitgeverij BjuMember of the editorial board
Walburg Pers / Amsterdam university PressAuthor Notarial Practice Manuals
'Family & Law' (online open access tijdschrift)Editor
Redactie Kluwer T&CEditorial board member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. J. Komdeur</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. J. Komdeur</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. J. Komdeur
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.H. Koning</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.H. Koning</s:text>
prof. dr. R.H. Koning
Faculty of Economics and Businessby special appointmentYesCR Rao StichtingPresident
Bestuurslid Stichting NoordeindeBoard member
Actuarieel GenootschapMember Committee on Accreditation Universities
DELAMember General Meeting
Univé Noor-NederlandVice chair Supervisory Board Univé Noord-Nederland
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.S.A.M. van Koningsbrugge</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.S.A.M. van Koningsbrugge</s:text>
prof. dr. J.S.A.M. van Koningsbrugge
Faculty of Artsby special appointmentYesStichtingMember board Kunstbehoud Groningen
VerenigingBoard Member WTC Leeuwarden
MuseumMember of Board Museum De Buitenplaats
StichtingDirector Board Foundation Music connect all
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. B.J. Kooi</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. B.J. Kooi</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. B.J. Kooi
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.V.E. Koopmans</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.V.E. Koopmans</s:text>
prof. dr. L.V.E. Koopmans
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H. Korpershoek</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H. Korpershoek</s:text>
prof. dr. H. Korpershoek
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesVereniging voor Onderwijsresearch (VOR) Divisie Onderwijs & Samenleving (incl. OOMO)Board member
Ministerie van OCWProgrammaraad Ontwikkelkracht
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.J.A. Koster</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.J.A. Koster</s:text>
prof. dr. L.J.A. Koster
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesUbbo Emmius ColleghieMember
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.G.W. Kosterink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.G.W. Kosterink</s:text>
prof. dr. J.G.W. Kosterink
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Kretschmer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Kretschmer</s:text>
prof. dr. T. Kretschmer
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesWileyAssociate Editor Social Development
Stichting Berlagehuis UsquertSecretary
Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC)Scientific advisory committee member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.C. Kühn</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.C. Kühn</s:text>
prof. dr. J.C. Kühn
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">D.J. Langley, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">D.J. Langley, Prof</s:text>
D.J. Langley, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A. Lazovik, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A. Lazovik, Prof</s:text>
A. Lazovik, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. ir. W.L. Leendertse</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. ir. W.L. Leendertse</s:text>
prof. ir. W.L. Leendertse
Faculty of Spatial Sciencesby special appointmentYesMinistry of Infastructure and Water Management, RijkswaterstaatStrategic Advisor Rijkswaterstaat
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A.S. Lehmann, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A.S. Lehmann, Prof</s:text>
A.S. Lehmann, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.G. Leitch, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.G. Leitch, Prof</s:text>
M.G. Leitch, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. M.L. Lennarts</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. M.L. Lennarts</s:text>
prof. mr. M.L. Lennarts
Faculty of LawYesWolters KluwerEditorial board member and author
Ministerie van Justitie & VeiligheidAdvisory committee membership
wisselende opdrachtgevers (in de afgelopen vijf jaar: International Chamber of Commerce, Landesarbeitsgericht Baden-Württemberg, Houthoff, Wijn en Stael,Stibbe)Legal opinion writer
De rechtspraak - Ministerie van Justitie en VeiligheidDeputy judge Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden
De rechtspraakDeputy judge Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarde
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.W. Lensink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.W. Lensink</s:text>
prof. dr. B.W. Lensink
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesstedenband Groningen-San CarlosBoard member
AERCResource person
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. D. Lentink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. D. Lentink</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. D. Lentink
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A. Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A. Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Prof</s:text>
A. Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesAutisme Team Noord-Nederland (ATN) van Jonx, onderdeel van LentisProfessor i.h.k.v TOPGGz
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. K.K. Lindenberg</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. K.K. Lindenberg</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. K.K. Lindenberg
Faculty of LawYesGerechtshof Arnhem-LeeuwardenAd hoc judge Court of Appeal
Kluwer (uitgever)Periodical commentator, annotator, author
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">L.E. Lobo-Guerrero, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">L.E. Lobo-Guerrero, Prof</s:text>
L.E. Lobo-Guerrero, Prof
Faculty of ArtsYesRevista Pleyade, ChileMember of the editorial board
Security Dialogue journalMember of the editorial board
FWO, Flanders Research OrganisationMember of specialist panel History and Archaeology
Journal of Intervention and State Building; and Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses.Member editorial board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">mr. dr. J.P. van Lochem</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">mr. dr. J.P. van Lochem</s:text>
mr. dr. J.P. van Lochem
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.A. Loi, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.A. Loi, Prof</s:text>
M.A. Loi, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesAmerica INstitute of PhysicsEditor in Chief Applied Physics Letters
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">K.U. Loos, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">K.U. Loos, Prof</s:text>
K.U. Loos, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesScientific journal PolymerEditor
Programmaraad Advanced Materials of ChemistryNLVice chairman
GoChemMember Programteam
European Polymer FederationNational representative
National Dutch Graduate School of Polymer Science & Technology (PTN)Member of the board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.M. Lorist</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.M. Lorist</s:text>
prof. dr. M.M. Lorist
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B. Los</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B. Los</s:text>
prof. dr. B. Los
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesRTV NoordWriter
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.M. Lowie</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.M. Lowie</s:text>
prof. dr. W.M. Lowie
Faculty of ArtsYesNufficChairman review committee TTO schools
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.J.E.C. van der Maarel</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.J.E.C. van der Maarel</s:text>
prof. dr. M.J.E.C. van der Maarel
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A.R. Mackor</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A.R. Mackor</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. A.R. Mackor
Faculty of LawYesThemisEditorial board member
VWRBoard Member
University of ArubaTeacher
ALLEA All European AcademiesMember of the science and ethics working group
Utrecht UniversityMember Advisory Board Montaigne Centre UU
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">G. Maglia, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">G. Maglia, Prof</s:text>
G. Maglia, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesPortal BiotechShareholder Portal Biotech
Portal BiotechEmployee Portal Biotech
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S.J. Marrink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S.J. Marrink</s:text>
prof. dr. S.J. Marrink
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesERCConsolidator panel
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A.T. Marseille</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A.T. Marseille</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. A.T. Marseille
Faculty of LawYesCentrale Raad van BeroepDeputy judge
KluwerMember editorial board
Vereniging voor bestuursrechtChairman
Stichting Noordelijk barokensembleBoard member
De RechtspraakMember editorial board
stichting Ars AequiAnnotator
Stichting Cantate ConsortTreasurer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">H.M. Marston, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">H.M. Marston, Prof</s:text>
H.M. Marston, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesBoehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbHGlobal Head of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. McCann</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. McCann</s:text>
prof. dr. P. McCann
Faculty of Spatial ScienceshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Meder</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Meder</s:text>
prof. dr. T. Meder
Faculty of Artsby special appointmentYesMeertens Instituut, KNAWSenior Researcher Folktales and Narrative Culture
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.A.J. Mees</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.A.J. Mees</s:text>
prof. dr. R.A.J. Mees
Faculty of Economics and Businessby special appointmentYesING
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.A.J. Meijer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.A.J. Meijer</s:text>
prof. dr. H.A.J. Meijer
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.R. Meijer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.R. Meijer</s:text>
prof. dr. R.R. Meijer
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesKLPDConsultant selection
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.B. Meijering</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.B. Meijering</s:text>
prof. dr. L.B. Meijering
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesNationaal OuderenfondsMember Advisory Board, Foundation for Older Adults
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.N. Melgert</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.N. Melgert</s:text>
prof. dr. B.N. Melgert
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesLongfondsScientific advisory boars Dutch Lung Foundation
Plastic Soup FoundationPlastic health council
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.M. Mendez</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.M. Mendez</s:text>
prof. dr. R.M. Mendez
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesAstronomy and Astrophyics (Scientific journal)Member of the Board of Directors
International Astronomical UnionDirector of the programme IAU Hands-on Workshops
COSPARChair of the capacity building Fellowship Program
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. N.C. van de Merbel</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. N.C. van de Merbel</s:text>
prof. dr. N.C. van de Merbel
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesICONscientific director
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">P. Merkouris, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">P. Merkouris, Prof</s:text>
P. Merkouris, Prof
Faculty of LawNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.C. Michel</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.C. Michel</s:text>
prof. dr. M.C. Michel
Faculty of ArtsYesStichting English Academy for Newcomers (EAN)Advisory board member
Beroepsvereningen NT2Member Quality Control PG Study Dutch L2 Meesterschapsteam Moderne Vreemde Talen
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Middag</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R. Middag</s:text>
prof. dr. R. Middag
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesRoyal NiozSenior Scientist
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J.O. Mierau, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J.O. Mierau, Prof</s:text>
J.O. Mierau, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesLifelines BVAcademic Director
KWFAdvisory Board - KWF
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">G.P. Mifsud Bonnici, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">G.P. Mifsud Bonnici, Prof</s:text>
G.P. Mifsud Bonnici, Prof
Faculty of LawYesUniversity of MaltaVisiting Lecturer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.C. Mills, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.C. Mills, Prof</s:text>
M.C. Mills, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesEuropean CommissionSpecial Advisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. A.J. Minnaard</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. A.J. Minnaard</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. A.J. Minnaard
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesRuG VenturesMember Scientific advisory board
H. J. Backerfondssecretary of the H. J. Backer Foundation
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert</s:text>
prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesMolendriftChairman of the Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.M. Molema</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.M. Molema</s:text>
prof. dr. A.M. Molema
Faculty of Artsby special appointmentYesHistolyseOwner one-man business 'Histolyse'
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.N. Moll</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.N. Moll</s:text>
prof. dr. G.N. Moll
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">O.J. Moore, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">O.J. Moore, Prof</s:text>
O.J. Moore, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">R. Morganti, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">R. Morganti, Prof</s:text>
R. Morganti, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.V. Mostovoy</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.V. Mostovoy</s:text>
prof. dr. M.V. Mostovoy
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A.C. Mülberger Rogele, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A.C. Mülberger Rogele, Prof</s:text>
A.C. Mülberger Rogele, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.H. Mulder</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.H. Mulder</s:text>
prof. dr. C.H. Mulder
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesKNAWMember
Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van WetenschappenBoard member
CBS / Statistics NetherlandsMember Advisory group Population projections
CBS / Statistics NetherlandsMember, Social Demography Expert Group
Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en WerkgelegenheidMember Program Council Exploration Population 2050
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Mulder</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Mulder</s:text>
prof. dr. M. Mulder
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesUniversity of Groningen Business SchoolCourse leader executive courses energy transition
Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en WerkgelegenheidChair guidance evaluation Just Transition Fund
Ministerie van Klimaat en Groene GroeiChairman Guidance committee Evaluation VEKI
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.R. Muller</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.R. Muller</s:text>
prof. dr. A.R. Muller
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Müller</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Müller</s:text>
prof. dr. T. Müller
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. S.A.J. Munneke</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. S.A.J. Munneke</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. S.A.J. Munneke
Faculty of LawYesstaatsrechtkringBoard member
Provincie GroningenMember provincial referendum committee
WoltersKluwereditorial board member De Gemeentestem
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.K. Muthert</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.K. Muthert</s:text>
prof. dr. J.K. Muthert
Faculty of Religion, Culture and SocietyYesVGVZMember of the science committee
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.W. Nauta</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.W. Nauta</s:text>
prof. dr. L.W. Nauta
Faculty of PhilosophyYesUniversiteit voor HumanistiekMember of the supervisory board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.H. Nauta</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.H. Nauta</s:text>
prof. dr. M.H. Nauta
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesAccare Universitair Centrum Kinder- en JeugdpsychiatrieGZ-psychologist
Trimbos Instituut / NEDKADParticipant
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. O.M. van Nijf</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. O.M. van Nijf</s:text>
prof. dr. O.M. van Nijf
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.A. Nijstad</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.A. Nijstad</s:text>
prof. dr. B.A. Nijstad
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.V. Nikolova, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.V. Nikolova, Prof</s:text>
M.V. Nikolova, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesThe Brookings InstitutionNon-resident fellow
IZA Institute for the Study of Labor BonnScholar
GLO (GLobal Labor Organization)Research and policy cluster leader
Gallup OrganizationResearch advisor
Journal of Population Economics (Springer)Editor, Journal of Population Economics (Springer)
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M. Nissim, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M. Nissim, Prof</s:text>
M. Nissim, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">B. Noheda, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">B. Noheda, Prof</s:text>
B. Noheda, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J.M. van Noord</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J.M. van Noord</s:text>
prof. dr. G.J.M. van Noord
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.S. Noordhoff</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.S. Noordhoff</s:text>
prof. dr. C.S. Noordhoff
Faculty of Economics and Businessby special appointmentYesA.S. Watson Health & Beauty BeneluxManager analytics
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">F. Noseleit, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">F. Noseleit, Prof</s:text>
F. Noseleit, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J.D.R. Oehmichen, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J.D.R. Oehmichen, Prof</s:text>
J.D.R. Oehmichen, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinesshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H. Olff</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H. Olff</s:text>
prof. dr. H. Olff
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesNederlandse WetenschapsagendaFigurehead
Ark NatuurMember of the Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. Olinga</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. Olinga</s:text>
prof. dr. P. Olinga
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. P.R. Onck</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. P.R. Onck</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. P.R. Onck
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.A. Oosterloo</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.A. Oosterloo</s:text>
prof. dr. T.A. Oosterloo
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. M. Otte</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. M. Otte</s:text>
prof. dr. mr. M. Otte
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Otten</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Otten</s:text>
prof. dr. E. Otten
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">S. Otten, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">S. Otten, Prof</s:text>
S. Otten, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Otto</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Otto</s:text>
prof. dr. S. Otto
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesEU Attract programmeGrant proposals reviewer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">G. Palasantzas, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">G. Palasantzas, Prof</s:text>
G. Palasantzas, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">E. Pallante, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">E. Pallante, Prof</s:text>
E. Pallante, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">P.J. Palsboll, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">P.J. Palsboll, Prof</s:text>
P.J. Palsboll, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. C.M.D.S. Pavillon</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. C.M.D.S. Pavillon</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. C.M.D.S. Pavillon
Faculty of LawYesRechter-plaatsvervanger (Rechtbank Noord-Nederland, voorheen Den Haag)Advisor
Rechtbank Noord-NederlandDeputy judge
Rechterlijke machtDeputy judge
Uitgeverij Paris(Chief) editor Journal
Instituut voor BouwrechtMember of the editorial board
Klachteninstituut Financiële DienstverleningAppeal committee member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.S. Pchenitchnikov, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.S. Pchenitchnikov, Prof</s:text>
M.S. Pchenitchnikov, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. Y. Pei</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. Y. Pei</s:text>
prof. dr. Y. Pei
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.F. Peletier</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.F. Peletier</s:text>
prof. dr. R.F. Peletier
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. Perlaviciute</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. Perlaviciute</s:text>
prof. dr. G. Perlaviciute
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesAdvisory Division of the Council of StateMember Climate Expertise Circle, Council of State
Burgerberaad KlimaatScientific working group Climate Citizen Assembly
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">P.P. Pescarmona, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">P.P. Pescarmona, Prof</s:text>
P.P. Pescarmona, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. N. Peters</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. N. Peters</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. N. Peters
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. S.S.M. Peters</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. S.S.M. Peters</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. S.S.M. Peters
Faculty of LawYesKluwerMember of the editorial board of TRA
KluwerEditor-in-chief and author
Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V., gevestigd te AmstelveenDeputy chairman KLM dismissal committee
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W. Peters</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W. Peters</s:text>
prof. dr. W. Peters
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesWageningen UniversityProfessor Carbon Cycle Science @Wageningen Univ
RijksoverheidMember Dutch Climate Science Council
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J.G. Peypouquet, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J.G. Peypouquet, Prof</s:text>
J.G. Peypouquet, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesStichting Arbeidsloket (Huis voor de Sport Groningen)Yoga instructor, Sports Center RUG & HG
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S.M.W. Phlippen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S.M.W. Phlippen</s:text>
prof. dr. S.M.W. Phlippen
Faculty of Economics and Businessby special appointmentYesABN AMROChief economist ABN AMRO
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">F. Picchioni, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">F. Picchioni, Prof</s:text>
F. Picchioni, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Piersma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. Piersma</s:text>
prof. dr. T. Piersma
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.H.M. Pijnenborg</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.H.M. Pijnenborg</s:text>
prof. dr. G.H.M. Pijnenborg
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesKien VIPMember of the Supervisory Board
GGZ DrentheGZ-psychologist
De klickmember supervisory board de klick
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">D.H. Pleiter, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">D.H. Pleiter, Prof</s:text>
D.H. Pleiter, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J. Poelarends</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J. Poelarends</s:text>
prof. dr. G.J. Poelarends
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Poelmann</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Poelmann</s:text>
prof. dr. E. Poelmann
Faculty of LawYesKluwer, Sdu, Boom, NOB, RB, E-wiseAuthor, editor and lecturer
Stichting Kritisch Commentaar Fiscale Wetgeving en Fiscaal BeleidBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K. Poelstra</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K. Poelstra</s:text>
prof. dr. K. Poelstra
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesZonMWAssessor
Federation for Innovative Drug Research Netherlands (FIGON)Chair FIGON
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.A. Poldner</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.A. Poldner</s:text>
prof. dr. K.A. Poldner
Faculty of Economics and Businessby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B. Poolman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B. Poolman</s:text>
prof. dr. B. Poolman
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesElsevierEditor of Journal of Molecular Biology
Portal Biotech LtdAdvisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Popovic</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Popovic</s:text>
prof. dr. M. Popovic
Faculty of Religion, Culture and SocietyYesMinisterie OCWAdvice committee starters- en stimuleringsbeurzen
Stichting AOGboard member St. AOG from UG/FRCS
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">dr. ing. J. Post</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">dr. ing. J. Post</s:text>
dr. ing. J. Post
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.T. Postmes</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.T. Postmes</s:text>
prof. dr. T.T. Postmes
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.P. van Puijenbroek</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.P. van Puijenbroek</s:text>
prof. dr. E.P. van Puijenbroek
Faculty of Science and Engineeringby special appointmentYesNederlands Bijwerkingencentrum LarebHead of Science and Research
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A. Purushothaman Vellayani, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A. Purushothaman Vellayani, Prof</s:text>
A. Purushothaman Vellayani, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.A.J. van der Putten</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.A.J. van der Putten</s:text>
prof. dr. A.A.J. van der Putten
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.C.M. Raemaekers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.C.M. Raemaekers</s:text>
prof. dr. D.C.M. Raemaekers
Faculty of ArtsYesHunebedcentrum te Borger (Nederland)Board member
Stichting ArcheohotspotsChairman
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.A.M. Ramakers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.A.M. Ramakers</s:text>
prof. dr. B.A.M. Ramakers
Faculty of ArtsYesStichting ErfgoedpartnersChair, Steering Group, Consortium Noordergraf
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.L. Reitz-Joosse</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.L. Reitz-Joosse</s:text>
prof. dr. B.L. Reitz-Joosse
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J.W.A. Rheinfeld</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J.W.A. Rheinfeld</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. J.W.A. Rheinfeld
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYesRijksuniversiteit GroningenProfessor of rural law by special appointment
FBN JuristenAssociate at FBN Legal Advice Amsterdam
Instituut voor Agrarisch RechtAssociate at Institute of Agricultural Law
Radboud UniversiteitTeacher of rural law at Radboud University
KluwerEditorial work for Kluwer
SduEditorial work Sdu
Instituut voor Agrarisch RechtEditorial work Journal of Rural Law
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Riezebos</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Riezebos</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Riezebos
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesLean Management NetwerkPresident
HAN Lean QRM CenterBoard member
Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek NROMember Higher Education Program Committee
AIM European Academy for Industrial Management https://europe-aim.euBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.H. van Rijn</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.H. van Rijn</s:text>
prof. dr. D.H. van Rijn
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesSlimStampen B.V.Managing director
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F.A. Rink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F.A. Rink</s:text>
prof. dr. F.A. Rink
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesNVTZMember of the Scientific Advisory Board
Various public and private institutionsPublic speecher
PwC, NetherlandsMember Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.G. Roelfes</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.G. Roelfes</s:text>
prof. dr. J.G. Roelfes
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesProf. Hilmar Johannes BackerfondsChairman of the board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D. Roest</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D. Roest</s:text>
prof. dr. D. Roest
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">F.L. Roig Lanzillotta, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">F.L. Roig Lanzillotta, Prof</s:text>
F.L. Roig Lanzillotta, Prof
Faculty of Religion, Culture and SocietyNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.W. Romeijn</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.W. Romeijn</s:text>
prof. dr. J.W. Romeijn
Faculty of PhilosophyNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W. Romeijnders</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W. Romeijnders</s:text>
prof. dr. W. Romeijnders
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesSpringerCo-author of SP textbook
SpringerAssociate editor of MMOR
LNMBLNMB Board member
CWIMember of the Organisation Committee of the Dutch
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. de Roo</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G. de Roo</s:text>
prof. dr. G. de Roo
Faculty of Spatial SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.J. Roodbergen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.J. Roodbergen</s:text>
prof. dr. K.J. Roodbergen
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesMedia Access (België)Member of the editorial board
Global Cold Chain FoundationLid van de wetenschappelijke adviesraad
Graduate Program Operations Management & LogisticsMember of the Program Board
TRAIL Research SchoolMember of the Program Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.H. Roos</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.H. Roos</s:text>
prof. dr. W.H. Roos
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.F. Roszbach</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.F. Roszbach</s:text>
prof. dr. K.F. Roszbach
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. P. Rudolf</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. P. Rudolf</s:text>
prof. P. Rudolf
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesUK Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Timing,, University of BirminghamMember of the External Advisory Board
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of MatterScientific Advisory Board
Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee
National Hellenic Research FoundationMember Scientific Advisory Board
European CommissionERC 2024 Advanced Grant PE4 Panel member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.K. Ryan, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.K. Ryan, Prof</s:text>
M.K. Ryan, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">K.M.J. Sanchez-Summerer, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">K.M.J. Sanchez-Summerer, Prof</s:text>
K.M.J. Sanchez-Summerer, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.P.J. Sanders</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.P.J. Sanders</s:text>
prof. dr. M.P.J. Sanders
Faculty of ArtsYesUitgeverij Peeters, Leuven (België)Editor-in-chief
Gompel en Svacina uitgeversEditor
Jan Campert StichtingBoard member
KNAWMember Council of Humanities KNAW
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.G. Santing</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.G. Santing</s:text>
prof. dr. C.G. Santing
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. P.B.C.D.F. van Sasse van IJsselt</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. P.B.C.D.F. van Sasse van IJsselt</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. P.B.C.D.F. van Sasse van IJsselt
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYesCouncil of StateCounciller Council of State
Gerechtshof Amsterdam | Court AmsterdamDeputy Judge Criminal Law
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. F.A. van Schaik</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. F.A. van Schaik</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. F.A. van Schaik
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Scheffers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Scheffers</s:text>
prof. dr. D.J. Scheffers
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesKNvMBoard member general and molecular microbiology
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">S. Scheibe, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">S. Scheibe, Prof</s:text>
S. Scheibe, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. J.M.A. Scherpen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. J.M.A. Scherpen</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. J.M.A. Scherpen
Board of the UniversityYesGroninger Universiteitsfonds:Member Supervisory Board
KIVIMember, Prins Friso Engineer of the year 2023
NAEVice chair Netherlands Academy of Engineering
Stichting Mulerius Fonds:Chair
Erik Bleumink FondsChair
Netherlands Academy of EngineeringFellow
UNL Stuurgroep Onderwijs en OnderzoekMember
RvC RUG Houdstermaatschappij:Member
AB-UNL Cap orgaan Organisaties van OnderwijsopleidingenMember
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.J.W. Scheurink</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.J.W. Scheurink</s:text>
prof. dr. A.J.W. Scheurink
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M. Schmidt, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M. Schmidt, Prof</s:text>
M. Schmidt, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesStichting AquiloPresident
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">dr. L.J.R. Scholtens</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">dr. L.J.R. Scholtens</s:text>
dr. L.J.R. Scholtens
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesSchool of Management - University of Saint AndrewsProfessor
Université Paris I (Panthéon - Sorbonne)Visiting professor
HOVOMember program council
Stichting Oude Groninger KerkenBoard of Governors
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">U. Schultze, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">U. Schultze, Prof</s:text>
U. Schultze, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesUniveristy of Gothenberg, SwedenVisiting Professor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J.N. Schutte-Veenstra</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J.N. Schutte-Veenstra</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. J.N. Schutte-Veenstra
Faculty of LawYesAdvocatenkantorenAdvisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">E. Shehu, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">E. Shehu, Prof</s:text>
E. Shehu, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">C. Six, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">C. Six, Prof</s:text>
C. Six, Prof
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.M. Sloot</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.M. Sloot</s:text>
prof. dr. L.M. Sloot
Faculty of Economics and Businessby special appointmentYesExpert Groep NederlandMember of board of supervisors
LBS Beheer BVCo-owner
EFMI Business SchoolAcademic director EFMI Business School (0,5 fte)
Albert HeijnMember FoodTransition Council Albert Heijn
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Slotboom</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Slotboom</s:text>
prof. dr. D.J. Slotboom
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesStichting BiomoleculenDirector
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">V.T. Smeulders</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">V.T. Smeulders</s:text>
V.T. Smeulders
Faculty of Religion, Culture and Societyby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.L. Smeulers</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.L. Smeulers</s:text>
prof. dr. A.L. Smeulers
Faculty of LawYesUniversity of Toronto PressEditorial Advisory board member
ZijSpreektSpeaker at a speakersbureau ZijSpreekt
University of Toronto PressEditorial Advisory board member
Winchester university PressAdvisory board member
Winchester university PressAdvisory board member
Winchester University PressMember of the Advisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C. Smit</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C. Smit</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. C. Smit
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Smit</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Smit</s:text>
prof. dr. M. Smit
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentYesNWO?
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.C.W. Sneller, RC</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.C.W. Sneller, RC</s:text>
prof. dr. A.C.W. Sneller, RC
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesEY Nederland LLPMember of the Supervisory Board
Vereniging Instituut van Internal Auditors NederlandAdvisory Board Member
MSPS Holding BVSupervisory Board Member
Van Wijnen Holding BVSupervisory Board Member
APG Groep N.V.Member of the Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.R. Soetevent</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.R. Soetevent</s:text>
prof. dr. A.R. Soetevent
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">R. Spears, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">R. Spears, Prof</s:text>
R. Spears, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. M. Spek</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. M. Spek</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. M. Spek
Faculty of ArtsYesGebiedsfonds Nationaal Park Drentsche AaMember Recommendation Committee
WaddenacademieMember of the Scientific Advisory Board
Stockholm University PressMember of the editorial board
Gebiedsfonds Nationaal Park Drentsche AaMember Committee of Recommendation
Adviescommissie Nationale Parken Ministerie van LNVScientific advisor
StaatsbosbeheerPresident of the Harry de Vroome Working Group
Netwerk Historisch CultuurlandschapPresident Network Historical Landscapes
Het Groninger LandschapMember of the Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.M. Spikman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.M. Spikman</s:text>
prof. dr. J.M. Spikman
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesUMCGProfessor of Clinical Neuropsychology
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">L. Squintani, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">L. Squintani, Prof</s:text>
L. Squintani, Prof
Faculty of LawYesBrill | NijhofChief Editor
European Environmental Law ForumMember of the managing board
De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend NederlandMember of the RES Expert Pool
European Research Institute for Gas and Energy InnovationNational Contact point for ERIG
Regional Panel on Climate Change Nord NetherlandsMember Scientific Advisory Panel RPCC/NN
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M. Stal, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M. Stal, Prof</s:text>
M. Stal, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.M. Steg</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.M. Steg</s:text>
prof. dr. E.M. Steg
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesRaad van StateMember expert team climate
International Institute for Applied System AnalysisMember Science Advice & Review Board IIASA
WKRMember Scientific Climate Council
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.D. Stek</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T.D. Stek</s:text>
prof. dr. T.D. Stek
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Sterken</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Sterken</s:text>
prof. dr. E. Sterken
Faculty of Economics and BusinesshonoraryYesRijksuniversiteit GroningenSecretary-treasurer of the Board
CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy AnalysisMember Centrale plancommissie
Erasmus University RotterdamMember Supervisory Board
Groninger MuseumMember Supervisory Board Groninger Museum
Gemeente GroningenChair Advisory Committee for Sports Groningen
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">M.A. Stöhr, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">M.A. Stöhr, Prof</s:text>
M.A. Stöhr, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.I. Stoker</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.I. Stoker</s:text>
prof. dr. J.I. Stoker
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesAlbertus MagnusWise Council member
BerenschotDirector Berenschot Foundation
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.P. Stolk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.P. Stolk</s:text>
prof. dr. R.P. Stolk
Board of the UniversityNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.P. Stolk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.P. Stolk</s:text>
prof. dr. R.P. Stolk
Board of the UniversityNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. van der Storm</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. T. van der Storm</s:text>
prof. dr. T. van der Storm
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B. Streumer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B. Streumer</s:text>
prof. dr. B. Streumer
Faculty of PhilosophyYesBrillAssociate Editor, Journal of Moral Philosophy
Stichting Jazz in GroningenBoard Member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.W. Strijbos</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.W. Strijbos</s:text>
prof. dr. J.W. Strijbos
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">C.K.M. von Stuckrad, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">C.K.M. von Stuckrad, Prof</s:text>
C.K.M. von Stuckrad, Prof
Faculty of Religion, Culture and SocietyYesNetherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and ReligionMember of the NOSTER Advisory Board
Party "Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz - Tierschutzpartei" GermanyBoard member of the Tierschutzpartei Berlin
Counterpoint: Navigating KnowledgeCo-director
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.C. Szymanski</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. W.C. Szymanski</s:text>
prof. dr. W.C. Szymanski
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. N.A. Taatgen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. N.A. Taatgen</s:text>
prof. dr. N.A. Taatgen
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F.F.S. van der Tak</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. F.F.S. van der Tak</s:text>
prof. dr. F.F.S. van der Tak
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">K. Taxis, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">K. Taxis, Prof</s:text>
K. Taxis, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.H. Teunter</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.H. Teunter</s:text>
prof. dr. R.H. Teunter
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesElsevierEditor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">D.W. Thieltges, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">D.W. Thieltges, Prof</s:text>
D.W. Thieltges, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesNIOZ Royal Netherlands Institut for Sea ResearchSenior Scientist (main position, 1fte)
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.I. Tieleman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.I. Tieleman</s:text>
prof. dr. B.I. Tieleman
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. T. Tillema</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. T. Tillema</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. T. Tillema
Faculty of Spatial Sciencesby special appointmentYesMinistry of Infrastructure and Water Management, General Strategy DirectorateMinistry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.P. Timmer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.P. Timmer</s:text>
prof. dr. M.P. Timmer
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesCentraal Planbureau (CPB)Board member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.E. Timmerman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.E. Timmerman</s:text>
prof. dr. M.E. Timmerman
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesKinderacademie GroningenStatistical consultant
Stichting ter bevordering van de wetenschap der datatheorieBoard member
Stichting Groninger UniversiteitsfondsSecretary Stichting Groninger Universiteitsfonds
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.R. Timmermans</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K.R. Timmermans</s:text>
prof. dr. K.R. Timmermans
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.G.E. Timmermans</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.G.E. Timmermans</s:text>
prof. dr. R.G.E. Timmermans
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">P.A. Tittonell, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">P.A. Tittonell, Prof</s:text>
P.A. Tittonell, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. B.C.A. Toebes</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. B.C.A. Toebes</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. B.C.A. Toebes
Faculty of LawYesStichting Farma ter VerantwoordingChairman of the advisory board
Vereniging voor GezondheidsrechtBoard member
International Law AssociationCo-chair of the Global Health Law committee
GezondheidsraadMember of the ethics and law committee
GrotiusCoordinating Lecturer, Grotius course Health Law
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. A. Tollenaar</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. A. Tollenaar</s:text>
prof. dr. mr. A. Tollenaar
Faculty of LawYesGemeente Het HogelandChairman of objection committee
Gemeente GroningenDeputy chairman and member objection committee
Gemeente EemsdeltaChairman, member objection committee Social Domain
gemeente Borger-OdoornDeputy member objection committee
Stichting Schaakfestival GroningenBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. H.D. Tolsma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. mr. H.D. Tolsma</s:text>
prof. dr. mr. H.D. Tolsma
Faculty of LawYesMinisterie van VWSDeputy chairman objection advisory committee
Verricht nevenwerk voor/bij de instantie / opdrachtgever: Rechtbank Noord-NederlandDeputy judge
KluwerAuthor text & commentary Environment Act
Ars Aequi Juridische uitgeverijAuthor
Raad voor de leefomgeving en infrastructuurMember of the Environment Act Evaluation Committee
KluwerMember of the editorial staff Milieu & Recht
KluwerMember of the editorial staff of De Gemeentestem
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J. Tolsma</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J. Tolsma</s:text>
J. Tolsma
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciencesby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Tolstoy</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Tolstoy</s:text>
prof. dr. E. Tolstoy
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Top</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Top</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Top
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Touw</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Touw</s:text>
prof. dr. D.J. Touw
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">S.C. Trager, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">S.C. Trager, Prof</s:text>
S.C. Trager, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Tromp</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. Tromp</s:text>
prof. dr. M. Tromp
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">E. Ursavas, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">E. Ursavas, Prof</s:text>
E. Ursavas, Prof
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesUniversity of GroningenAdvisory board member
Ursavas LLCStrategic consultant
Various, EUConsultancyStrategic consultant
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.T. van der Vaart</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.T. van der Vaart</s:text>
prof. dr. J.T. van der Vaart
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesSchool of Management, Politechnico de MilanoMember of the Advisory Board
European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)Board member (past president)
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. Valdivia Martin</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. Valdivia Martin</s:text>
prof. dr. P. Valdivia Martin
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">H.A.G. de Valk, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">H.A.G. de Valk, Prof</s:text>
H.A.G. de Valk, Prof
Faculty of Spatial ScienceshonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">F.M.D. Vanclay, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">F.M.D. Vanclay, Prof</s:text>
F.M.D. Vanclay, Prof
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesEdward ElgarSeries editor
OECDMember of the executive Consultation Group
Community Insights GroupCollaborator
various journalsMember of the editorial Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.H.B. Vedder</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.H.B. Vedder</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. H.H.B. Vedder
Faculty of LawYesdiverseProvider digital education services
Gerechtshof Arnhem-LeeuwardenCouncillor
Gerson Lehrman GroupConsultant
Autoriteit Consument en Markt (ACM)Non-governmental advisor for the ICN
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. G.A. van der Veen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. G.A. van der Veen</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. G.A. van der Veen
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYes--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K. van Veen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. K. van Veen</s:text>
prof. dr. K. van Veen
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesStichting VCOGBoard member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.R. Veenstra</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.R. Veenstra</s:text>
prof. dr. D.R. Veenstra
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.S. van der Vegt</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.S. van der Vegt</s:text>
prof. dr. G.S. van der Vegt
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesHong Kong Baptist UniversityVisiting Professor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Veldman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Veldman</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Veldman
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.C. Verbrugge</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. L.C. Verbrugge</s:text>
prof. dr. L.C. Verbrugge
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A.J. Verheij</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. A.J. Verheij</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. A.J. Verheij
Faculty of LawYesVereniging voor Burgerlijk RechtBoard member
Grotius AcademieTeacher
Uitgeverij IntersentiaAdvisory Boardmember
Wolters KluwerEmployee
Wolters KluwerAuthor
Wolters KluwerEditor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.B. Verheij</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.B. Verheij</s:text>
prof. dr. H.B. Verheij
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A.W. Verheijen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A.W. Verheijen</s:text>
prof. dr. M.A.W. Verheijen
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P.C. Verhoef</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P.C. Verhoef</s:text>
prof. dr. P.C. Verhoef
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesSt. AOGBoard member
St. AOGBoard member
Hamburg UniversityMember of board of advisors
Trail Research SchoolMember Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Verhulst</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Verhulst</s:text>
prof. dr. S. Verhulst
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P.V.D.J. Verkooijen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P.V.D.J. Verkooijen</s:text>
prof. dr. P.V.D.J. Verkooijen
Campus Fryslânby special appointmentNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.M.J. Verpoorte</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.M.J. Verpoorte</s:text>
prof. dr. E.M.J. Verpoorte
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. L.C.A. Verstappen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. L.C.A. Verstappen</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. L.C.A. Verstappen
Faculty of LawYesStichting Beheer Auteursrechten Praktijkhandboeken NotariaatChairman of the Board
Eigen werkzaamhedenAdvisor
Stichting voor ProduktgeschiedenisBoard member
Stichting Grotius AcademieBoard member
Stichting Beroepsopleiding NotariaatSenior lecturer
Diverse uitgeversEditorial board member
Wolters KluwerEditor
Stichting Beheer Auteursrechten Praktijkhandboeken NotariaatEditor and author
Stichting Personen-, Familie, en Jeugdrecht GroningenBoard member
Notariele Registergoed Specialisten VerenigingMember of the Scientific Advisory Board
Stichting Gewin- Storm de GraveFondsBoard member
Nederlandse Vereniging voor RechtsvergelijkingBoard member
Young Property Lawyers ForumAdvisory board member
Stichting Beroepsopleiding NotariaatBoard member
Stichting tot Bevordering der Notariële WetenschapMember of the Supervisory Board
Gerechtshof Den HaagCouncil deputy
Hekkelman Advocaten & Notarissen te Arnhem en NijmegenAdvisor
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. R.W.C.P. Verstappen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. R.W.C.P. Verstappen</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. R.W.C.P. Verstappen
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. F.M.J. Verstijlen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. F.M.J. Verstijlen</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. F.M.J. Verstijlen
Faculty of LawYesNederlandse Vereniging voor HerstructureringBoard NVvH
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. I.F.A. Vis</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. I.F.A. Vis</s:text>
prof. dr. I.F.A. Vis
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesASTRONMember Institute Advisory Council
Topsector LogistiekCaptain of Science
Kamer TechniekMember Committee Sectorplan Science & Engineering
MIT, Boston, USAFaculty Catalyst Program MIT
Themateams Gezondheid &Zorg, Energietransitie & Circulariteit, Veiligheid, DigitaliseringRepresentative Topteam Logistics in Themateams
Klankbordgroep Evaluatie NWOMember Sounding Board Evaluation NWO
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. Visser</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A. Visser</s:text>
prof. dr. A. Visser
Faculty of ArtsYesFryske AkademyMember of Supervisory Board
Fryske AkademyMember of Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.E. Visser</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.E. Visser</s:text>
prof. dr. M.E. Visser
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryYesNetherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)Head of Animal Ecology department
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. A.J. van der Vlist</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. A.J. van der Vlist</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. A.J. van der Vlist
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesVU AmsterdamTemporary employee (secondment)
University of Central FloridaVisiting scholar
Amsterdam School of Real EstateExecutive Director
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. M. Vols</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. M. Vols</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. M. Vols
Faculty of LawYesENHRCoordinator Housing Law Working Group
Bureau VolsOwner
Boom uitgeversAuthor
PvdASupporting candidate
University of SouthamptonVisiting professor University of Southampton
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J. Vonk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. G.J. Vonk</s:text>
prof. dr. G.J. Vonk
Faculty of LawYesEfteia BVBAMember
Ministerie van SZWExternal supervisor evaluation Wet SUWI
Ministerie van SZWExternal supervisor evaluatie Wet SUWI
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Voutsaki</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. S. Voutsaki</s:text>
prof. dr. S. Voutsaki
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. F. de Vries</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. F. de Vries</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. F. de Vries
Faculty of Lawby special appointmentYesNSOBSpeaker learning workshop supervision
ANVSAdvisory board member
Financieel dagbladColumnist
Behavioural Risk management B.vIndependent advisor
BNG BankMember of the Supervisory Board
ABN AMRO N.V.Member of the Supervisory Board
Inspectie leefomgeving en transportMembership Advisory Council ILT
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. de Vries</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. de Vries</s:text>
prof. dr. J. de Vries
Board of the UniversityYesStichting ISPT-AFT (Fascinating programma)Member Supervisory Board Foundation ISPT-AFT
Chemport EuropeAdvisory Board Chemport Europe
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.P. van Vuuren</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. A.P. van Vuuren</s:text>
prof. dr. A.P. van Vuuren
Faculty of Economics and BusinessNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C. Wagenaar</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C. Wagenaar</s:text>
prof. dr. C. Wagenaar
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C.H. van der Wal</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. C.H. van der Wal</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. C.H. van der Wal
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesNWO-AMOLFChair Institute Advisory Council (unpaid)
4TU.High-Tech MaterialsManagement Team 4TU.High-Tech Materials (unpaid)
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. B.J. van Wees</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. ir. B.J. van Wees</s:text>
prof. dr. ir. B.J. van Wees
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A.M. van de Weijgaert</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M.A.M. van de Weijgaert</s:text>
prof. dr. M.A.M. van de Weijgaert
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">T.H. Weir, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">T.H. Weir, Prof</s:text>
T.H. Weir, Prof
Faculty of Religion, Culture and SocietyNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">S.E. Weishaar, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">S.E. Weishaar, Prof</s:text>
S.E. Weishaar, Prof
Faculty of LawYesMIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research in BostonResearcher
International Association for Climate Policy Cooperation and LinkingMember
United NationsMember of the UN Subcommittee on Environmental Tax
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas IndonesiaAdjunct Professor, Universitas Indonesia
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.A. Wessel</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. R.A. Wessel</s:text>
prof. dr. R.A. Wessel
Faculty of LawYesDiverse academische tijdschriftenEditor
Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER)Board member
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">B.A.J. Westberg, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">B.A.J. Westberg, Prof</s:text>
B.A.J. Westberg, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J.B. Wezeman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. J.B. Wezeman</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. J.B. Wezeman
Faculty of LawYesBoomjuridisch, Den HaagEditor
Edulaw, amsterdamGuest lecturer
stichtingboardmember Stichting Harry Honee Fonds
stichtingboardmember Stichting Intellectuele Eigendom
stichtingboardmember Stichting Versym
stichtingboardmember stichting Effectenrecht
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.E. Wieringa</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J.E. Wieringa</s:text>
prof. dr. J.E. Wieringa
Faculty of Economics and BusinessYesWisselende externe partijenLecturer
Data & Insights NetworkBoard member of Data & Insights Network (unpaid)
European Marketing Academy (EMAC)Vice President Conferences of EMAC (unpaid)
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. de Wilde</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P. de Wilde</s:text>
prof. dr. P. de Wilde
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">E.K. Wilson, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">E.K. Wilson, Prof</s:text>
E.K. Wilson, Prof
Faculty of Religion, Culture and SocietyYesTransatlantic Policy Network on Religion and DiplomacyCo-Chair, Advisory Council
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.B. Winter</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. H.B. Winter</s:text>
prof. dr. H.B. Winter
Faculty of LawYesStichting WIJ GroningenChairman of the Supervisory Board
Directeur Pro Facto, juridisch en bestuurskunde onderzoek en adviesResearcher and consultant
Stichting Forum GromingenMember of supervisory board
Stichting OosterlengteChairman Board of Supervision
Stimezo GroningenMember of the Supervisory Board
Stichting Oorlogs- en Verzetscentrum GroningenChair of the council
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.M. Wisse</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. B.M. Wisse</s:text>
prof. dr. B.M. Wisse
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.C. Wit</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.C. Wit</s:text>
prof. dr. E.C. Wit
Faculty of Science and EngineeringhonoraryNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">R.P.M. Wittek, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">R.P.M. Wittek, Prof</s:text>
R.P.M. Wittek, Prof
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesEvolution InstitutePresident, Evolution Institute
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Woerdman</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E. Woerdman</s:text>
prof. dr. E. Woerdman
Faculty of LawYesVanuit de RuG, ten behoeve van milieuorganisatie WISE (World Information Service on Energy) in Amsterdam.Member of the Advisory Board of Carbonkiller
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. M.H. ten Wolde</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. M.H. ten Wolde</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. M.H. ten Wolde
Faculty of LawYesStichting Ulrik Huber InstituutBoard member
Stichting Ulrik Huber InstituutBoard member
Stchting Center for Maritime ResearchBoard member
Stichting leerstoel internationale handelsarbitrage RUGBoard member
Hephaestus Groep B.V.Organiser
Hephaestus Groep B.V.Publisher
Hephaestus Groep B.V.Advisor
Stichting CMRBoard member
Stichting ter bevordering van onderwijs en onderzoek op het gebied van internationale commerciële arbitrageBoard member
Zie hierbovenMember of editorial and advisory board
Hephaestus Groep B.V.Consultant International Private Law
Woningcorporatie AcantusMember of the Supervisory Board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. R.A. Wolf</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. R.A. Wolf</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. R.A. Wolf
Faculty of LawYesGerechtshof Arnhem-LeeuwardenCouncil deputy
Mazars NederlandPartner Indirect Tax
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Wolffram</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. D.J. Wolffram</s:text>
prof. dr. D.J. Wolffram
Faculty of ArtsYesStichting Groninger UniversiteitsfondsBoard member
Stichting HOVO Noord-NederlandChairman of the board
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.D. Wolswijk</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. mr. dr. H.D. Wolswijk</s:text>
prof. mr. dr. H.D. Wolswijk
Faculty of LawYesKluwer (uitgever)Annotator
Kluwer (uitgever)Editor handbook of criminal cases
De vereniging is niet aan een bepaalde instantie verbondenBoard member
ANWB?VerkeersrechtEditorial board member
Gerechtshof Arnhem-LeeuwardenCouncil deputy
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Woltjer</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. J. Woltjer</s:text>
prof. dr. J. Woltjer
Faculty of Spatial SciencesYesInstitute of Technology BandungHonorary Professor International Urban Development
Cities -The International Journal of Urban Policy and PlanningEditor
University of ReadingExternal Examiner
University of WestminsterExternal Advisor School of Architecture and Cities
UK Research and InnovationPanel Member
Stichting Ruimtelijke WetenschappenMember
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">J. Ye, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">J. Ye, Prof</s:text>
J. Ye, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. N. van Yperen</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. N. van Yperen</s:text>
prof. dr. N. van Yperen
Faculty of Behavioural and Social, KvK# 70767947Writer
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P.J. van der Zaag</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. P.J. van der Zaag</s:text>
prof. dr. P.J. van der Zaag
Faculty of Science and EngineeringYesDetact Diagnostics BVConsultant
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">S. Zaroubi, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">S. Zaroubi, Prof</s:text>
S. Zaroubi, Prof
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.A. van der Zee</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. E.A. van der Zee</s:text>
prof. dr. E.A. van der Zee
Faculty of Science and EngineeringNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. van Zomeren</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. M. van Zomeren</s:text>
prof. dr. M. van Zomeren
Faculty of Behavioural and Social SciencesYesTaylor and Francis / European Association of Social PsychologyEditor European Review of Social Psychology
RoutledgeBook series editor (Routledge)
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.J.W. Zwart</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">prof. dr. C.J.W. Zwart</s:text>
prof. dr. C.J.W. Zwart
Faculty of ArtsNo--
Missing match for XML tag: 's:externalReference'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:externalReference xmlns="">
  <s:title xmlns="">
   <s:text xmlns="">A.J. Zwitter, Prof</s:text>
  <s:url xmlns=""></s:url>
Missing match for XML tag: 's:title'

template debugStructure output:
 <s:title xmlns="">
  <s:text xmlns="">A.J. Zwitter, Prof</s:text>
A.J. Zwitter, Prof
Campus FryslânYesChapter Zero NetherlandsFounding board member