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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C.N. (Catia) Pinto Teixeira, PhD


Is Martin Luther King or Malcom X the More Acceptable Face of Protest? High-Status Groups' Reactions to Low- Status Groups' Collective Action: High status groups’ reactions to low status groups’ collective action

On the Protective Role of Identification with a Stigmatized Identity: Promoting Engagement and Discouraging Disengagement Coping Strategies

Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries

Psychopathy, criminal intentions, and abnormal appraisal of the expected outcomes of theft

Choosing a Group Representative: The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support on the Preferences for Deviant Representatives in Work Negotiations

“I Do the Dishes; You Mow the Lawn”: Gender Effects in Stereotypically Feminine Negotiation Tasks

When does it hurt? Intergroup permeability moderates the link between discrimination and self-esteem

When votes depend on who's listening: Voters' intragroup status and voting procedure predict representative endorsement in intergroup contexts

Who Can Give Me Satisfaction? Partner Matching in Fear of Intimacy and Relationship Satisfaction

Playing with deviance: Typicality assessments of ingroup members as a strategy of outgroup approach

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